The decade of the 1970's has seen substantial improvement in our under standing of the determinants of urban spatial patterns. It is typical of western science and technology of the past several centuries that these advances in urban spatial analysis have resulted from the efforts of many individuals. No one of these claims to have found the answer; rather, each contributes some additional understanding of a rather complex set of inter related phenomena. All of this most recent work, in one way or another, rests on preliminary analysis work done in the previous ten to fifteen years. Those...
The decade of the 1970's has seen substantial improvement in our under standing of the determinants of urban spatial patterns. It is typical of wester...
The presence of nonconvexities does severe damage to conventional theories of the firm and of the individual. The essential contribution of location theory, however, is in a world in which there are such nonconvexities. If resources are distributed evenly and the usual convexity assumptions made, then economic activity would be distributed evenly; there would be no concentration of pro duction. Thus the statement that is usually made, that the standard results carry over to a world in which there is spatial choice, is too weak and fails to capture the essence oflocation theory. Nevertheless,...
The presence of nonconvexities does severe damage to conventional theories of the firm and of the individual. The essential contribution of location t...
As a result of a contract awarded by the Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Environmental Pro tection Agency, a workshop on the methodology of economic impact analy sis was held at Hueston Woods State Park Lodge in Oxford, Ohio, April 13-15, 1977. Leading researchers in regional modeling were gathered to take stock of current developments in the field and to put forth new ideas and directions for research. Also attending the workshops were individuals from various governmental agencies that use regional models and economic impact statements....
As a result of a contract awarded by the Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and the Environmental Pro tection...