Almost all semiconductor devices contain metal-semiconductor, insulator-semiconductor, insulator-metal and/or semiconductor-semiconductor interfaces; and their electronic properties determine the device characteristics. This is the first monograph that treats the electronic properties of all different types of semiconductor interfaces. Using the continuum of interface induced gap states (IFIGS) as a unifying theme, Monch explains the band-structure lineup at all types of semiconductor interfaces. These intrinsic IFIGS are the wave-function tails of electron states, which overlap a...
Almost all semiconductor devices contain metal-semiconductor, insulator-semiconductor, insulator-metal and/or semiconductor-semiconductor interface...
This guide to the use of surface analysis techniques, now in its second edition, has expanded to include more techniques, current applications and updated references. It outlines the application of surface analysis techniques to a broad range of studies in materials science and engineering. The book consists of three parts: an extensive introduction to the concepts of surface structure and composition, a techniques section describing 19 techniques and a section on applications. This book is aimed at industrial scientists and engineers in research and development. The level and content of this...
This guide to the use of surface analysis techniques, now in its second edition, has expanded to include more techniques, current applications and upd...
This is one of the first application-orientated books on the subject. The main topics are magnetic sensors with high resolutions and magnetic read heads with high sensitivities, required for hard-disk drives with recording densities of several gigabytes. Another important subject is novel magnetic random-access memory (MRAM) with non-volatile non-destructive and radiation-hard characteristics.
This is one of the first application-orientated books on the subject. The main topics are magnetic sensors with high resolutions and magnetic read ...
Surfaces and interfaces play an increasingly important role in today's solid state devices. In this book the reader is introduced, in a didactic manner, to the essential theoretical aspects of the atomic and electronic structure of surfaces and interfaces. The book does not pretend to give a complete overview of contemporary problems and methods. Instead, the authors strive to provide simple but qualitatively useful arguments that apply to a wide variety of cases. The emphasis of the book is on semiconductor surfaces and interfaces but it also includes a thorough treatment of transition...
Surfaces and interfaces play an increasingly important role in today's solid state devices. In this book the reader is introduced, in a didactic manne...
The purpose of this book is the development of the principles and experimental techniques underlying near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy and the demonstration of the power of the technique for the study of the electronic and crystallographic structure of low-Z molecules bonded to surfaces. Low-Z molecules are defined as those consisting of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and/or fluorine atoms, which are particularly important in surface chemistry. This book is the first comprehensive treatment of the subject and presents a unified picture of theoretical and...
The purpose of this book is the development of the principles and experimental techniques underlying near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS...
The present book is based on lectures given by the author at the University of Tokyo during the past ten years. It is intended as a textbook to be studied by students on their own or to be used in a course on Functional Analysis, i. e., the general theory of linear operators in function spaces together with salient features of its application to diverse fields of modern and classical analysis. Necessary prerequisites for the reading of this book are summarized, with or without proof, in Chapter 0 under titles: Set Theory, Topo logical Spaces, Measure Spaces and Linear Spaces. Then, starting...
The present book is based on lectures given by the author at the University of Tokyo during the past ten years. It is intended as a textbook to be stu...
This unified overview of recent progress in a growing, multi-disciplinary field places special emphasis on the industrial applications of magnetic multilayered materials. The text describes a wide range of physical aspects, together with experimental and theoretical methods.
This unified overview of recent progress in a growing, multi-disciplinary field places special emphasis on the industrial applications of magnetic ...
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and its Application presents a unified view of the rapidly growing field of STM, and its many derivatives. A thorough discussion of the various principles provides the background to tunneling phenomena and leads to the many novel scanning-probe techniques, such as AFM, MFM, BEEM, PSTM, etc. After having examined the available instrumentation and the methods for tip and surface preparations, the monograph provides detailed accounts of STM application to metal and semiconductor surfaces, adsorbates and surface chemistry, biology, and nanofabrication. It...
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and its Application presents a unified view of the rapidly growing field of STM, and its many derivatives. A thor...
Crystal growth far from thermodynamic equilibrium is nothing but homoepitaxy - thin film growth on a crystalline substrate of the same material. Because of the absence of misfit effects, homoepitaxy is an ideal playground to study growth kinetics in its pure form. Despite its conceptual simplicity, homoepitaxy gives rise to a wide range of patterns. This book explains the formation of such patterns in terms of elementary atomic processes, using the well-studied Pt/Pt(111) system as a reference point and a large number of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy images for visualization. Topics...
Crystal growth far from thermodynamic equilibrium is nothing but homoepitaxy - thin film growth on a crystalline substrate of the same material. Be...
The courses given at the 1st C.I.M.E. Summer School of 1988 dealt with the main areas on the borderline between applied logic and theoretical computer science. These courses are recorded here in five expository papers: S. Homer: The Isomorphism Conjecture and its Generalization.- A. Nerode: Some Lectures on Intuitionistic Logic.- R.A. Platek: Making Computers Safe for the World. An Introduction to Proofs of Programs. Part I. - G.E. Sacks: Prolog Programming.- A. Scedrov: A Guide to Polymorphic Types.
The courses given at the 1st C.I.M.E. Summer School of 1988 dealt with the main areas on the borderline between applied logic and theoretical computer...