Magnetic multilayers is a rapidly growing and multidisciplinary field of research. The purpose of this book is to give a unified overview of recent progress, giving special emphasis to the most important industrial applications. A general introduction is followed by six chapters that describe a wide range of physical aspects, together with experimental and theoretical methods. Scientists and students alike will benefit from the comprehensive discussion of numerous devices and their physics. As the technology matures, these devices, for example spin valves and magnetic random access memories,...
Magnetic multilayers is a rapidly growing and multidisciplinary field of research. The purpose of this book is to give a unified overview of recent pr...
Surfaces and interfaces play an increasingly important role in today's solid state devices. In this book the reader is introduced, in a didactic manner, to the essential theoretical aspects of the atomic and electronic structure of surfaces and interfaces. The book does not pretend to give a complete overview of contemporary problems and methods. Instead, the authors strive to provide simple but qualitatively useful arguments that apply to a wide variety of cases. The emphasis of the book is on semiconductor surfaces and interfaces but it also includes a thorough treatment of transition...
Surfaces and interfaces play an increasingly important role in today's solid state devices. In this book the reader is introduced, in a didactic manne...
In the last decade after the discovery of "giant magnetoresistance effects" in me tallic multilayers worldwide developments in basic research and in engineering applications have been achieved, and various remarkable results have been ob tained in both fields. On the basic research into the GMR effects an excellent re view book edited by Hartmann was published in 1999, entitled "Magnetic Multi layers and Giant Magnetoresistance," and it describes the experimental and theoretical aspects of GMR studies and the magneto-optics in metallic multilayers, including applications in electronic data...
In the last decade after the discovery of "giant magnetoresistance effects" in me tallic multilayers worldwide developments in basic research and in e...
Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces deals with structural and electronic properties of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces. The first part introduces the general aspects of space-charge layers, of clean-surface and adatom-induced surfaces states, and of interface states. It is followed by a presentation of experimental results on clean and adatom-covered surfaces which are explained in terms of simple physical and chemical concepts. Where available, results of more refined calculations are considered. This third edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. In particular it now...
Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces deals with structural and electronic properties of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces. The first part ...
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and its Application presents a unified view of the rapidly growing field of STM, and its many derivatives. A thorough discussion of the various principles provides the background to tunneling phenomena and leads to the many novel scanning-probe techniques, such as AFM, MFM, BEEM, PSTM, etc. After having examined the available instrumentation and the methods for tip and surface preparations, the monograph provides detailed accounts of STM application to metal and semiconductor surfaces, adsorbates and surface chemistry, biology, and nanofabrication. It...
Scanning Tunneling Microscopy and its Application presents a unified view of the rapidly growing field of STM, and its many derivatives. A thor...
The purpose of this book is the development of the principles and experimental techniques underlying near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy and the demonstration of the power of the technique for the study of the electronic and crystallographic structure of low-Z molecules bonded to surfaces. Low-Z molecules are defined as those consisting of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and/or fluorine atoms, which are particularly important in surface chemistry. This book is the first comprehensive treatment of the subject and presents a unified picture of theoretical and...
The purpose of this book is the development of the principles and experimental techniques underlying near edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS...
This guide to the use of surface analysis techniques, now in its second edition, has expanded to include more techniques, current applications and updated references. It outlines the application of surface analysis techniques to a broad range of studies in materials science and engineering. The book consists of three parts: an extensive introduction to the concepts of surface structure and composition, a techniques section describing 19 techniques and a section on applications. This book is aimed at industrial scientists and engineers in research and development. The level and content of this...
This guide to the use of surface analysis techniques, now in its second edition, has expanded to include more techniques, current applications and upd...
'Nanophenomena at Surfaces' presents the state of the art in nanoscale surface physics. It outlines contemporary trends in the field, covering topics such as atomic structure of surfaces and interfaces, molecular films and polymer adsorption, biologically inspired nanophysics, and more.
'Nanophenomena at Surfaces' presents the state of the art in nanoscale surface physics. It outlines contemporary trends in the field, covering topics ...
To anyone who is interested in surface chemical analysis of materials on the nanometer scale, this book is prepared to give appropriate information. Based on typical application examples in materials science, a concise approach to all aspects of quantitative analysis of surfaces and thin films with AES and XPS is provided. Starting from basic principles which are step by step developed into practically useful equations, extensive guidance is given to graduate students as well as to experienced researchers. Key chapters are those on quantitative surface analysis and on quantitative depth...
To anyone who is interested in surface chemical analysis of materials on the nanometer scale, this book is prepared to give appropriate information...
This book contains the proceedings of the first Workshop on Interface Phenomena, organized jointly by the surface science groups at Dalhousie University and the University of Maine. It was our intention to concentrate on just three topics related to the kinetics of interface reactions which, in our opinion, were frequently obscured unnecessarily in the literature and whose fundamental nature warranted an extensive discussion to help clarify the issues, very much in the spirit of the Discussions of the Faraday Society. Each session (day) saw two principal speakers expounding the different...
This book contains the proceedings of the first Workshop on Interface Phenomena, organized jointly by the surface science groups at Dalhousie Universi...