Almost all semiconductor devices contain metal-semiconductor, insulator-semiconductor, insulator-metal and/or semiconductor-semiconductor interfaces; and their electronic properties determine the device characteristics. This is the first monograph that treats the electronic properties of all different types of semiconductor interfaces. Using the continuum of interface induced gap states (IFIGS) as a unifying theme, Monch explains the band-structure lineup at all types of semiconductor interfaces. These intrinsic IFIGS are the wave-function tails of electron states, which overlap a...
Almost all semiconductor devices contain metal-semiconductor, insulator-semiconductor, insulator-metal and/or semiconductor-semiconductor interface...
Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces deals with structural and electronic properties of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces. The first part introduces the general aspects of space-charge layers, of clean-surface and adatom-induced surfaces states, and of interface states. It is followed by a presentation of experimental results on clean and adatom-covered surfaces which are explained in terms of simple physical and chemical concepts. Where available, results of more refined calculations are considered. This third edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. In particular it now...
Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces deals with structural and electronic properties of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces. The first part ...
Almost all semiconductor devices contain metal-semiconductor, insulator-semiconductor, insulator-metal and/or semiconductor-semiconductor interfaces; and their electronic properties determine the device characteristics. This is the first monograph that treats the electronic properties of all different types of semiconductor interfaces. Using the continuum of interface induced gap states (IFIGS) as a unifying theme, Monch explains the band-structure lineup at all types of semiconductor interfaces. These intrinsic IFIGS are the wave-function tails of electron states, which overlap a...
Almost all semiconductor devices contain metal-semiconductor, insulator-semiconductor, insulator-metal and/or semiconductor-semiconductor interface...
Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces deals with structural and electronic properties of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces. The first part introduces the general aspects of space-charge layers, of clean-surface and adatom-induced surfaces states, and of interface states. It is followed by a presentation of experimental results on clean and adatom-covered surfaces which are explained in terms of simple physical and chemical concepts. Where available, results of more refined calculations are considered. This third edition has been thoroughly revised and updated. In particular it now...
Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces deals with structural and electronic properties of semiconductor surfaces and interfaces. The first part ...
Interface and surface science have been important in the development of semicon- ductor physics right from the beginning on. Modern device concepts are not only based on p-n junctions, which are interfaces between regions containing different types of dopants, but take advantage of the electronic properties of semiconductor- insulator interfaces, heterojunctions between distinct semiconductors, and metal- semiconductor contacts. The latter ones stood almost at the very beginning of semi- conductor physics at the end of the last century. The rectifying properties of metal-semiconductor...
Interface and surface science have been important in the development of semicon- ductor physics right from the beginning on. Modern device concepts ar...