Das Buch ist der Wiederentdeckung des Erhabenen- der neben dem Schonen wichtigsten asthetischen Kategorie des 18. Jahrhunderts- in zeitgenossischer Literatur gewidmet. Aufgezeigt wird, inwiefern bei Handke, Ransmayr, Strau und Schrott von einer Poetik des Erhabenen gesprochen werden kann und wie sich diese zu den Theorien von Kant, Schiller, Jean-Francois Lyotard, Martin Seel u.a. positioniert.
Das Buch ist der Wiederentdeckung des Erhabenen- der neben dem Schonen wichtigsten asthetischen Kategorie des 18. Jahrhunderts- in zeitgenossische...
The book examines the literary genre of the cyclical framework story, which can be found in literature of the Orient (Arabian Nights) and to a great extent in German Romantic literature (e.g. Goethe, Brentano, Hauff), in serialized novels, as well as in movie sequels, and radio and television series. In individual analyses of literary texts and television series, the astonishing continuity of the motif of social narrative against death is evidenced.
The book examines the literary genre of the cyclical framework story, which can be found in literature of the Orient (Arabian Nights) and to a great e...
Die Weisheit des Silen umspielt das Motiv der Misere des menschlichen Lebens. Mit dem Werk des englischen Dichters Lord Byron ist es zu einer zentralen Denkfigur geworden, die Literatur und Kunste in der ersten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts in vielfacher Weise grundiert hat. Heinrich Heines Variationen des Themas reichen von seinem Fruhwerk bis in die spatesten Dichtungen. Die Weisheit des Silen ist ihm stets Gegenbild und Anreiz zu jenem "Lebensbankett," mit dem er das Ziel seines gesellschaftspolitischen Engagements begrundet.
Diese Studie stellt Heines Werk erstmals umfassend in...
Die Weisheit des Silen umspielt das Motiv der Misere des menschlichen Lebens. Mit dem Werk des englischen Dichters Lord Byron ist es zu einer zentr...
"Hamlet" by Olivier, Kaurismaki or Shepard and "Pride and Prejudice" in its many adaptations show the virulence of these texts and the importance of aesthetic recycling for the formation of cultural identity and diversity. Adaptation has always been a standard literary and cultural strategy, and can be regarded as the dominant means of production in the cultural industries today. Focusing on a variety of aspects such as artistic strategies and genre, but also marketing and cultural politics, this volume takes a critical look at ways of adapting and appropriating cultural texts across...
"Hamlet" by Olivier, Kaurismaki or Shepard and "Pride and Prejudice" in its many adaptations show the virulence of these texts and the importance o...
The essays in this volume discuss the overlap between philosophical, aesthetic, and political concerns in the 1790s either in the work of individuals or in the transfer of cultural materials across national borders, which tended to entail adaptation and transformation. What emerges is a clearer understanding of the "fate" of the Enlightenment, its radicalization and its "overcoming" in aesthetic and political terms, and of the way in which political "paranoia," generated by the fear of a spreading revolutionary radicalism, facilitated and influenced the cultural transfer of the...
The essays in this volume discuss the overlap between philosophical, aesthetic, and political concerns in the 1790s either in the work of individua...
At times of crisis and revolution such as ours, diagnoses of crucial junctures and ruptures - 'turning points' - in the continuous flow of history are more prevalent than ever. Analysing literary, cinematic and other narratives, the volume seeks to understand the meanings conveyed by different concepts of turning points, the alternative concepts to which they are opposed when used to explain historical change, and those contexts in which they are unmasked as false and over-simplifying constructions. Literature and film in particular stress the importance of turning points as a sensemaking...
At times of crisis and revolution such as ours, diagnoses of crucial junctures and ruptures - 'turning points' - in the continuous flow of history ...
Der Sammelband befasst sich mit der literarischen Darstellung des Traums in zentralen Texten der europaischen Romantik. Seine Beitrage vermitteln neue Erkenntnisse uber den Zusammenhang von Literatur und anthropologischem Diskurs, indem sie das Wechselspiel zwischen romantischer Psychologie und literarischer Fiktion beleuchten, das den Traum zum exemplarischen Gegenstand einer poetischen Wissenschaft vom Menschen macht.
Der Sammelband befasst sich mit der literarischen Darstellung des Traums in zentralen Texten der europaischen Romantik. Seine Beitrage vermitteln n...
The idea of contagious transmission, either by material particles or by infectious ideas, has played a powerful role in the development of the Western World since antiquity. Yet it acquired quite a precise signature during the process of scientific and cultural differentiation in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This volume explores the significance and cultural functions of contagionism in this period, from notions of infectious homosexuality and the concept of social contagion to the political implications of bacteriological fieldwork. The history of the concept 'microbe' in aesthetic...
The idea of contagious transmission, either by material particles or by infectious ideas, has played a powerful role in the development of the West...
Peter Weiss' dreibandiger Roman "Die Asthetik des Widerstands" (1975-1981) entwirft eine asthetische Theorie, die den Auftrag zur Erinnerung an die Opfer des Faschismus zusammenbringt mit der Reflexion auf Grenzen wie Moglichkeiten kunstlerischer Annaherung an das Unsagbare nationalsozialistischer Verbrechen. Die vorliegende Studie untersucht Weiss' Roman "Fluchtpunkt" (1962) vor dem Hintergrund dieser Asthetik und geht der Frage nach, inwieweit sich bereits in der Prosa der 60er Jahre Fruhformen der spateren asthetischen Theorie identifizieren lassen. Schon "Fluchtpunkt" erweist sich als...
Peter Weiss' dreibandiger Roman "Die Asthetik des Widerstands" (1975-1981) entwirft eine asthetische Theorie, die den Auftrag zur Erinnerung an die...
This study addresses the phenomenon of writing, and more specifically, the process of literary and scientific writing, as seen at the intersection of literary scholarship, empirical writing research, the cognitive sciences, and the history of science. It analyzes many previously unknown manuscripts and sources from three canonical authors of the eighteenth century.
This study addresses the phenomenon of writing, and more specifically, the process of literary and scientific writing, as seen at the intersection ...