Thorsten Tham highlights the fundamental changes that have swept Germany's footballing landscape in recent years and presents theory-based impact hypotheses about forms of stimulus that can raise the loyalty of football-affine target groups before, during and after the game. Based on the example of traditional club VfL Bochum 1848 an online survey to analyze the influence of a Bundesliga match on different visitor target groups is conducted. The author discusses ways in which football clubs can change their multisensual approach to raise the profile of their club brand among...
Thorsten Tham highlights the fundamental changes that have swept Germany's footballing landscape in recent years and presents theory-based impact h...
Anja Buerke untersucht, wie der Kauf nachhaltiger Produkte im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel gefordert werden kann, da trotz steigender Umsatze nachhaltiger Produkte Bio- und Fair Trade-Lebensmittel noch immer eine Marktnische darstellen. Sie betrachtet Determinanten und Wirkungen von Consumer Confusion am Point of Sale beim Kauf nachhaltiger Produkte und zeigt auf, inwieweit die Produkte selbst sowie die Gestaltung der Verkaufsstatte zur Consumer Confusion fuhren konnen. Darauf aufbauend werden konkrete Ansatzpunkte abgeleitet, wie Hersteller und Handler die Consumer Confusion reduzieren...
Anja Buerke untersucht, wie der Kauf nachhaltiger Produkte im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel gefordert werden kann, da trotz steigender Umsatze nachhalti...
Silko Pfeil reflektiert den Diskurs um die Generation Y als derzeit jungste Arbeitnehmergeneration. Anhand der kritischen Reflexion der theoretischen Grundlagen des Generationenkonzepts sowie der empirischen Analyse der Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) soll die Existenz der Generation Y anhand von statistisch signifikanten Unterschieden im Werte- und Personlichkeitsprofil uberpruft werden. Der Autor zeigt auf, dass eine in sich homogene Generation Y nicht existiert und analysiert darauf aufbauend die Relevanz der individuellen Werteorientierung fur die...
Silko Pfeil reflektiert den Diskurs um die Generation Y als derzeit jungste Arbeitnehmergeneration. Anhand der kritischen Reflexion der theoretisch...
Ulrich Bremer examines the internationalization process of German public research universities, extracts multiple expected factors of impact from existing theory, tests them against data and thus delivers implications for research and practice.
Ulrich Bremer examines the internationalization process of German public research universities, extracts multiple expected factors of impact from exis...
This book deals with the electronic procurement of transportation services. It provides an overview of the fundamentals for the procurement of transportation services, including the relevant objectives, involved parties, and processes. A focus is set on Electronic Transportation Marketplaces (ETMs) which offer main functionalities for the procurement of transportation services on the spot and contract market as well as additional functionalities to improve further processes (e.g., time-slot management). Even though such marketplaces are important from an economic and ecological perspective,...
This book deals with the electronic procurement of transportation services. It provides an overview of the fundamentals for the procurement of transpo...
Team reflexivity has gained increasing research attention as an effective response to the core challenge of constant learning, innovation, and adaptation in teams due to changing circumstances. Under the right conditions, empirical studies have found that team reflexivity can improve team performance, team learning, team innovation, team creativity, and team member well-being. Thus, research shows that team reflexivity is an effective means to improve teamwork and team outcomes. This book addresses the problem that team reflexivity research is focused too narrowly on improving these empirical...
Team reflexivity has gained increasing research attention as an effective response to the core challenge of constant learning, innovation, and adaptat...