Scientific progress, more and more, makes it possible to relate disease to irreg ularities on a molecular basis. Both, diagnosis and cure can be targeted to a well defined biological structure. Modern medical research aims at the investigation of the interaction of molecules and bio-macro-molecules, formerly the area of chemis try, biochemistry and pharmacology. This series was founded to provide a vehicle for the dissemination of results in a multidisciplinary area of contemporary research. It will publish extensive review articles at a high level, that will relate a particular subject to...
Scientific progress, more and more, makes it possible to relate disease to irreg ularities on a molecular basis. Both, diagnosis and cure can be targe...
l Tumor transformation produces numerous antigenic alterations ), particularly 2 among the glycoconjugates, sugars linked to each other, to lipids and to proteins, 3). Many blood group antigens are identified as glycoconjugates; they include the 4 ABO(H), MNT, Lewis, Ii and P antigens ). These determinants are particularly valuable since they can be understood in terms of their serology, chemical structure and biochemical genetics4-7). Their specific functions are not well understood; how ever, their position as terminal or penultimate sugars may assign them a special role lO as protective or...
l Tumor transformation produces numerous antigenic alterations ), particularly 2 among the glycoconjugates, sugars linked to each other, to lipids and...
The close association between blood glucose control and the well-being of the patient, as well as the risk for the development of the "late" complications of 3 diabetes, make it necessary to attain near normalisation of blood glucosel- ). Signifi cant progress has been made in this direction in the last few years because of the advancement of analytical techniques for the monitoring of both metabolic status and the functional state of the pancreas and the kidneys, organs involved in the disease process. The respective methodologies are the test strips for self-monitoring of glucose in blood...
The close association between blood glucose control and the well-being of the patient, as well as the risk for the development of the "late" complicat...
Cholesterol is essential for normal cellular function. It is found in all cells of the body and is a major constituent of cell membranes. In addition, certain specialized tissues use cholesterol as the basic substrate for the synthesis of more complicated sterols such as bile acids and the steroid hormones. Like most lipids cholesterol has a very low solubility in water. Therefore, in order for these molecules to be transported be tween different organs of the body a series of lipid carriers known as lipoproteins has evolved. Over the last several years epidemiological evidence has...
Cholesterol is essential for normal cellular function. It is found in all cells of the body and is a major constituent of cell membranes. In addition,...
Calcium Entry Blockers (CEBs) are a new class of drugs which have been pushing back the frontiers of science and medicine for almost two decades. This report reviews some of the wealth of chemical, biological and clinical data describing the discovery and development of these compounds. The scientific importance, therapeutic benefit and marketing potential of these compounds have caused an explosion of scientific literature describing their effects in many preclinical and clinical settings. The definitional characteristics of these compounds suggest a certain predictability of their...
Calcium Entry Blockers (CEBs) are a new class of drugs which have been pushing back the frontiers of science and medicine for almost two decades. This...
Das Buch enthalt Kapitel uber: M. B. Bottorff, W. E. Evans, Memphis, TN, USA: Uberwachung der Medikament-KonzentrationE. Truscheit, I. Hillebrand, B. Junge, L. Muller, W. Puls, D. D. Schmidt, Wuppertal, FRG: Inhibitoren der mikrobiellen alpha-Glucosidase: Chemie, Biochemie und potentielle therapeutische AnwendungenH. Will, Berlin-Buch, GDR: Plasminogen-Aktivatoren: Molekuleigenschaften, biologische Zellfunktion und klinische Anwendung
Das Buch enthalt Kapitel uber: M. B. Bottorff, W. E. Evans, Memphis, TN, USA: Uberwachung der Medikament-KonzentrationE. Truscheit, I. Hillebrand, B. ...
Das Buch enthalt Kapitel uber: M. Azria, Basel, CH: "Calcitonin - Physiologische und Pharmakologische Aspekte"U. Niemeyer, J. Engel, P. Hilgard, M. Peukert, J. Pohl, H. Sindermann, Bielefeld, FRG: "Mafosfamid - Ein Derivat des " "4-Hydroxycyclophosphamids"S. Grunwald, G.P. Pfeifer, Frankfurt, FRG: "Enzymatische DNA Methylierung""
Das Buch enthalt Kapitel uber: M. Azria, Basel, CH: "Calcitonin - Physiologische und Pharmakologische Aspekte"U. Niemeyer, J. Engel, P. Hilgard, M. Pe...
Contents/Information: N.P. Johnson, J.-L. Butour, G. Villani, F.L. Wimmer, M. Defais, V. Pierson, Toulouse, France; V. Brabec, Kralovopolska, CSSR: "Metal Antitumor " "Compounds: The Mechanism of Action of Platinum Complexes " "Pertaining to the Design of Anticancer Agents"B.K. Keppler, M. Henn, U.M. Juhl, M.R. Berger, R. Niebl, Heidelberg; F.E. Wagner, Garching, FRG: "New Ruthenium Complexes for the " "Treatment of Cancer"G. Mestroni, E. Alessio, Trieste, M. Calligaris, Pavia, Italy; W.M. Attia, Ismailia, Egypt; F. Quadrifoglio, S. Cauci, Udine, Italy; G. Sava, S. Zorzet, S. Pacor, C....
Contents/Information: N.P. Johnson, J.-L. Butour, G. Villani, F.L. Wimmer, M. Defais, V. Pierson, Toulouse, France; V. Brabec, Kralovopolska, CSSR: "M...
The application of immobilized enzymes in medicine is the main objective of this book. The author reviews natural and synthetic carriers for enzyme immobilization, chemistry of enzyme binding, and in-vitro and in-vivo properties of immobilized enzymes. Four chapters are dedicated to clinical use of immobilized enzymes.
The application of immobilized enzymes in medicine is the main objective of this book. The author reviews natural and synthetic carriers for enzyme im...