The Oxford Handbook of Acculturation and Health expertly brings together two very distinct, but complementary, streams of work and thought: theoretical and methodological work on acculturation, and the applied work linking acculturation to various health outcomes among international migrants and their families. In this important volume, the work of landmark acculturation theorists and methodologists come together to showcase applied epidemiologic and intervention work on the issues facing acculturation and public health today. Edited by Seth J. Schwartz and Jennifer B. Unger,...
The Oxford Handbook of Acculturation and Health expertly brings together two very distinct, but complementary, streams of work and thought: t...
The proposal to vaccinate adolescent girls against the human papilloma virus ignited political controversy, as did the advent of fracking and a host of other emerging technologies. These disputes attest to the persistent gap between expert and public perceptions. Complicating the communication of sound science and the debates that surround the societal applications of that science is a changing media environment in which misinformation can elicit belief without corrective context and likeminded individuals are prone to seek ideologically comforting information within their own...
The proposal to vaccinate adolescent girls against the human papilloma virus ignited political controversy, as did the advent of fracking and a host o...
Hope has long been a topic of interest for psychologists, philosophers, educators, and physicians. In the past few decades, researchers from various disciplines and from around the world have studied how hope relates to superior academic performance, improved outcomes in the workplace, and improved psychological and physical health in individuals of all ages. Edited by Matthew W. Gallagher and the late Shane J. Lopez, The Oxford Handbook of Hope provides readers with a thorough and comprehensive update on the past 25 years of hope research while simultaneously providing an outline of...
Hope has long been a topic of interest for psychologists, philosophers, educators, and physicians. In the past few decades, researchers from various d...
With contributions from well-established scholars as well as young rising stars in the field, this Handbook bridges a wide variety of diverse perspectives, research methodologies, and theory, and provides a foundation for this new and rapidly growing field.
With contributions from well-established scholars as well as young rising stars in the field, this Handbook bridges a wide variety of diverse perspect...
The Oxford Handbook of Eating Disorders provides current insights from established experts into the phenomenology, epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of eating disorders. Fully revised to reflect new DSM-5 classification and diagnostic criteria, each chapter of the Second Edition has been updated to feature the latest clinical research findings, applications, and approaches to understanding eating disorders. An additional chapter on emerging issues explores critical questions pertaining to ethics and the use of technology in treating eating disorders. With information on newly...
The Oxford Handbook of Eating Disorders provides current insights from established experts into the phenomenology, epidemiology, prevention, ...
Increasing workplace diversity has given rise to growing intergroup challenges that persistently manifest in discrimination. An emerging science in psychology, sociology, and management has yielded useful evidence to be brought to bear on the important problem of discrimination, but current literature is either focused on social (rather than work) settings, on legal (rather than interpersonal) issues, or on the general phenomenon of diversity instead of the social problem of discrimination in action. Edited by Adrienne J. Colella and Eden B. King, The Oxford Handbook of Workplace...
Increasing workplace diversity has given rise to growing intergroup challenges that persistently manifest in discrimination. An emerging science in ps...
What is immediately clear when meeting individuals with acquired brain damage is that the patterns of communication impairments vary in remarkable ways among these individuals. Aphasia and related communication disorders, while devastating life events for individuals who acquire brain damage, provide lessons of considerable interest to many clinicians and researchers trying to understand the brain's neurological and psychological complexity and develop methods to facilitate optimum recovery of lost language and communication functions following brain damage. The Oxford Handbook of...
What is immediately clear when meeting individuals with acquired brain damage is that the patterns of communication impairments vary in remarkable way...
Advances in social-psychological theorizing and research suggest that humans can be viewed as biological beings as well as cultural creatures, rational reasoners as well as emotional enigmas, moral minds as well as amoral agents. Edited by Martijn van Zomeren and John F. Dovidio, The Oxford Handbook of the Human Essence expertly articulates both what social psychology can tell us about the human essence, and the astonishing range of perspectives reflectedwithin this field.
Advances in social-psychological theorizing and research suggest that humans can be viewed as biological beings as well as cultural creatures, rationa...
Stigma leads to poorer health. In The Oxford Handbook of Stigma, Discrimination, and Health, leading scholars identify stigma mechanisms that operate at multiple levels to erode the health of stigmatized individuals and, collectively, produce health disparities. This book provides unique insights concerning the link between stigma and health across various types of stigma and groups.
Stigma leads to poorer health. In The Oxford Handbook of Stigma, Discrimination, and Health, leading scholars identify stigma mechanisms that operate...
The Oxford Handbook of Social Psychology and Social Justice spans cultures and disciplines to highlight critical paradigms and practices for the study of social injustice in diverse contexts. This book addresses injustice along such lines as race, ethnicity, gender, sexual identity, and social class. It also addresses pressing issues of globalization, conflict, intervention, and social policy.
The Oxford Handbook of Social Psychology and Social Justice spans cultures and disciplines to highlight critical paradigms and practices for the study...