The Overcoming Eating Disorders, Second Edition program addresses the cognitive-behavioral treatment of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. CBT has been proven the most effective treatment for helping patients improve their eating habits and overcome their disorder.
The treatment described is divided into three overlapping phases: behavior change, identifying binge triggers, and relapse prevention. The main focus of the program is the normalization of eating. Patients use self-monitoring forms to track their eating habits on a daily basis while they work toward...
The Overcoming Eating Disorders, Second Edition program addresses the cognitive-behavioral treatment of Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Diso...
If you suffer from Bulimia Nervosa or Binge-Eating Disorder, you know how hard it can be to change your problem behaviors surrounding food and eating. However, with the right tools and support, you can overcome your disorder and return to a healthy way of life.
Based on the principles of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, the program described in this newly revised and updated workbook will teach you the skills you need to overcome your eating disorder and establish healthy habits. Through daily self-monitoring, you will learn to regularize you eating and expand the variety of foods that you...
If you suffer from Bulimia Nervosa or Binge-Eating Disorder, you know how hard it can be to change your problem behaviors surrounding food and eating....
The Oxford Handbook of Eating Disorders provides current insights from established experts into the phenomenology, epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of eating disorders. Fully revised to reflect new DSM-5 classification and diagnostic criteria, each chapter of the Second Edition has been updated to feature the latest clinical research findings, applications, and approaches to understanding eating disorders. An additional chapter on emerging issues explores critical questions pertaining to ethics and the use of technology in treating eating disorders. With information on newly...
The Oxford Handbook of Eating Disorders provides current insights from established experts into the phenomenology, epidemiology, prevention, ...