This volume contains the contributions to the scientific anniversary colloquium in honor of the 100th birthday of Hermann Schlichting, Braunschweig, September 2007. His outstanding achievements in boundary layer theory and aircraft aerodynamics are reviewed by invited scholars. Contributions of current leading research by the institutes formerly lead by Hermann Schlichting, the Institute of Fluid Mechanics of the Technische Universitat Braunschweig and the Institute of Aerodynamics and Flow Technology of German Aerospace Center, in the fields of numerical flow simulation, experimental...
This volume contains the contributions to the scientific anniversary colloquium in honor of the 100th birthday of Hermann Schlichting, Braunschweig...
The Turbulence and Interactions 2006 (TI2006) conference was held on the island of Porquerolles, France, May 29-June 2, 2006. The scientific sponsors of the conference were Association Francaise de Mecanique, CD-adapco, DGA Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL), ERCOFTAC: European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, FLUENT, The French Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Laboratoire de Modelisation en Mecanique, Paris 6, ONERA. The conference was a unique event. Never before have so many organisations concerned with turbulence works come together in one conference. As...
The Turbulence and Interactions 2006 (TI2006) conference was held on the island of Porquerolles, France, May 29-June 2, 2006. The scientific sponsors ...
Preface In aircraft design, efficiency is determined by the ability to accurately and rel- bly predict the occurrence of, and to model the development of, turbulent flows. Hence, the main objective in industrial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is to increase the capabilities for an improved predictive accuracy for both complex flows and complex geometries . This text part taken from Haase et al (2006), - scribing the results of the DESider predecessor project FLOMANIA is still - and will be in future valid. With an ever-increasing demand for faster, more reliable and cleaner aircraft,...
Preface In aircraft design, efficiency is determined by the ability to accurately and rel- bly predict the occurrence of, and to model the development...
In 2003 the German Research Foundation established a new priority programme on the subject of "Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow Analysis" (SPP 1147). This research programme was based on the fact that experimental ow analysis, in addition to theory and numerics, has always played a predominant part both in ?ow research and in other areas of industrial practice. At the time, however, c- parisons with numerical tools (such as Computational Fluid Dynamics), which were increasingly used in research and practical applications, soon made it clear that there are relatively few experimental...
In 2003 the German Research Foundation established a new priority programme on the subject of "Imaging Measurement Methods for Flow Analysis" (SPP 114...