Diese Studie aus dem Bereich der Digital Humanities nahert sich einem etablierten, narratologischen Phanomen auf eine neue Art und Weise: Es wird untersucht, wie die Wiedergabe von Rede, Gedanken und Geschriebenem in narrativen Texten mit Hilfe automatischer Methoden identifiziert werden kann. Dies ist ein Schritt hin zu narratologischen Untersuchungen auf der Grundlage groer Textmengen, die einen neuen Blick auf das Erzahlen ermoglichen.
Diese Studie aus dem Bereich der Digital Humanities nahert sich einem etablierten, narratologischen Phanomen auf eine neue Art und Weise: Es wird u...
Time and narrative are inseparably connected: there can be no narrative without time, and no time without narrative. Beyond this systemic relationship, which has been a favorite concern of narrative theory, the interplay of time and narrative evokes a broad range of aesthetic phenomena. This volume examines the multiplicity of time from methodological, medial, generic, and historical perspectives.
Time and narrative are inseparably connected: there can be no narrative without time, and no time without narrative. Beyond this systemic relations...
Audionarratology is a new 'postclassical' narratology that explores interfaces of sound, voice, music and narrative in different media and across disciplinary boundaries. This is the first book to bring together cutting-edge research on audio art and forms of sound narration hitherto neglected in narratology: radio plays, audiobooks, audio guides, mobile phone theatre, performance poetry, concept albums, digital stories, computer games, songs.
Audionarratology is a new 'postclassical' narratology that explores interfaces of sound, voice, music and narrative in different media and across d...
How Literary Worlds Are Shaped studies a wide variety of literature across cultures and ages. The main aim is to show that literature all over the world has for millennia employed an array of related themes and techniques. By its broad scope and detailed analysis, this volume offers the first extensive comparative account of the makings of literary worlds.
How Literary Worlds Are Shaped studies a wide variety of literature across cultures and ages. The main aim is to show that literature all ...
Lyric poetry as a temporal art-form makes pervasive use of narrative elements in organizing the progressive course of the poetic text. This observation justifies the application of the advanced methodology of narratology to the systematic analysis of lyric poems. After a concise presentation of this transgeneric approach to poetry, the study sets out to demonstrate its practical fruitfulness in detailed analyses of a large number of English (and some American) poems from the early modern period to the present. The narratological approach proves particularly suited to focus on the hitherto...
Lyric poetry as a temporal art-form makes pervasive use of narrative elements in organizing the progressive course of the poetic text. This observa...
The depiction of another person's consciousness is often regarded as the key characteristic of fictional narrative. Is it true, though, that factual narrative avoids presenting alien consciousness? This question is the focus of the present study. Using a computer-assisted diachronic narratological approach, the author analyzes a corpus of five coming-of-age novels and five biographies from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries.
The depiction of another person's consciousness is often regarded as the key characteristic of fictional narrative. Is it true, though, that factua...
The Narratologiaseries publishes state-of-the-art monographs and collective volumes devoted to modern narrative theory and its historical reconstruction in all the philological disciplines. It is the first narratological forum of its kind in Germany. In addition to literary texts, the series focuses on narration in everyday contexts, in pictorial media, in film and in the new media as well as on narration in historiography, ethnology, medicine, and the law.
The series publishes in German and English. All volumes are peer reviewed by two anonymous assessors.
The Narratologiaseries publishes state-of-the-art monographs and collective volumes devoted to modern narrative theory and its historical reconstru...
Das Nachdenken uber Formen der Erzahlung hat eine lange Tradition, doch in der Selbstwahrnehmung der modernen Narratologie spielten diese theoriegeschichtlichen Wurzeln bisher keine groe Rolle. Die Arbeit widmet sich diesem vergessenen Teil der Theoriegeschichte. Im Mittelpunkt der Untersuchung stehen dabei die Romanstudien Otto Ludwigs, die ein herausragendes Zeugnis der begrifflichen Komplexitat erzahltheoretischen Denkens vor 1900 darstellen. Auf Grundlage eines Uberblicks uber die theoriegeschichtliche Entwicklung seit dem spaten 18. Jahrhundert wird aufgezeigt, worin das...
Das Nachdenken uber Formen der Erzahlung hat eine lange Tradition, doch in der Selbstwahrnehmung der modernen Narratologie spielten diese theoriege...
The Narratologiaseries publishes state-of-the-art monographs and collective volumes devoted to modern narrative theory and its historical reconstruction in all the philological disciplines. It is the first narratological forum of its kind in Germany. In addition to literary texts, the series focuses on narration in everyday contexts, in pictorial media, in film and in the new media as well as on narration in historiography, ethnology, medicine, and the law.
The series publishes in German and English. All volumes are peer reviewed by two anonymous assessors.
The Narratologiaseries publishes state-of-the-art monographs and collective volumes devoted to modern narrative theory and its historical reconstru...
The Narratologiaseries publishes state-of-the-art monographs and collective volumes devoted to modern narrative theory and its historical reconstruction in all the philological disciplines. It is the first narratological forum of its kind in Germany. In addition to literary texts, the series focuses on narration in everyday contexts, in pictorial media, in film and in the new media as well as on narration in historiography, ethnology, medicine, and the law.
The series publishes in German and English. All volumes are peer reviewed by two anonymous assessors.
The Narratologiaseries publishes state-of-the-art monographs and collective volumes devoted to modern narrative theory and its historical reconstru...