Reading is cne of the highest farns of aa;ru:i. red oogni ti ve func- tioos. It cares as no sw:prise, therefore, that the study of reeding has attracted nmerous investigators who, in spite of their diverse background, have been notivated by cne ultimate goal --to understand how we read and how we learn to reed. A sstantial prQIX)rticn of these investigators have attenpted to gain knowled~ about the neuro- p:;ychological processes that 1mderlie the reading process by studying individuals who fail to acquire reading skill (developtental dyslexia) and individuals wOO aa;IUire a reading deficit...
Reading is cne of the highest farns of aa;ru:i. red oogni ti ve func- tioos. It cares as no sw:prise, therefore, that the study of reeding has attract...
The fifth Summer School organized by the European Associa tion of Experimental Social Psychology was held in Aix-en-Proven ce (France, from July 12 to 31, 1981. Previous schools had taken place in The Hague (The Nederlands) in 1966, Leuven (Belgium) in 1967, Konstanz (Germany) in 1972 and in Oxford (Great-Britain) in 1976. This is an important activity of the European Association and has always met with great success. This time, 130 applica tions were received while only 50 could be accepted, given the format adopted for the Summer School. They represented many different countries and...
The fifth Summer School organized by the European Associa tion of Experimental Social Psychology was held in Aix-en-Proven ce (France, from July 12 to...
The intention of this paper is to review the evidence support ing the major thesis that a knowledge of genetic architecture within a species gives clues to the evolution of behavior. To this end, a study of some of the origins of this idea, both within genetics and psychology, will be embarked upon, together with a review of the experimental evidence supportive of it. This review will concentrate on behavioral phenotypes, though not to the exclusion of other, usually morphological, character on which the original enunciation of the proposition was based. Essentially, the rationale is...
The intention of this paper is to review the evidence support ing the major thesis that a knowledge of genetic architecture within a species gives clu...
An Advanced Study Institute on the Biology of Aggression was held in glorious weather between the twenty-first and thirtieth of July 1980, at the Chateau de Bonas, Gers, France. The Institute was arranged by a scientific organizing committee consisting of Drs. Paul Brain and David Benton of the University College of Swansea, Wales, U.K. This book reflects the papers presented at the A.S.I., and the arrangement of the book parallels the pro gramme. The particular objective was to concentrate on recent research on aggression from the viewpoint of the diverse biological disciplines that have...
An Advanced Study Institute on the Biology of Aggression was held in glorious weather between the twenty-first and thirtieth of July 1980, at the Chat...
This book contains twenty-eight papers by participants in the NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on "Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic Space," held in Las Navas del Maxques, Spain, July 8-20, 1990. The NATO ASI marked a stage in a two-year research project at the U. S. National Center for Geographic Infonnation and Analysis (NCOIA). In 1987, the U. S. National Science Foundation issued a solicitation for proposals to establish the NCGIA-and one element of that solicitation was a call for research on a "fundamental theory of spatial relations". We felt that such a fundamental...
This book contains twenty-eight papers by participants in the NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on "Cognitive and Linguistic Aspects of Geographic S...
This volume stems from the efforts of scholars who seek to understand the social dynamics of large technical systems. The purpose is to develop concepts and empirical knowledge concerning the dynamics of such systems, with particular emphasis on the processes ofcontrol and/or management in a variety of national settings, and to improve the basis of public policy so that future developments might be less distressing in consequence and more shaped to the desires of their "host" societies. One vehicle for this enterprise is a series of international conferences on the Evolution andDynamics...
This volume stems from the efforts of scholars who seek to understand the social dynamics of large technical systems. The purpose is to develop concep...
One of the most fascinating problems in Behavioural Neurology is the question of the cerebral organization for language during childhood. Acquired aphasia in children, albeit rare, is a unique circumstance in which to study the relations between language and the brain during cerebral maturation. Its study further contributes to our understanding of the recovery processes and brain plasticity during childhood. But while there is a great amount of information and experimental work on brain-behaviour relationships in adult subjects, the literature about the effects of focal brain lesions in...
One of the most fascinating problems in Behavioural Neurology is the question of the cerebral organization for language during childhood. Acquired aph...
PREFACE xv Il Y a une ou deux decennies les ingenieurs ont crn ou voulu faire croire que l'automatisation des systemes de production et de contrOle permettrait de s'affranchir entierement de ce maillon faillible que constitue l'Homme.On a meme vu une reunion scientifique se reunir sur Ie theme "L'homme element limitatif de l'utilisation des systemes d'armes". Dne telle attitude montre avant tout que 1'0n n'a pas su integrer l'utilisateur dans la conception du systeme considere. Elle consacre la faillite d'un concept. On est revenu a une notion plus realiste de la situation. En effet, meme...
PREFACE xv Il Y a une ou deux decennies les ingenieurs ont crn ou voulu faire croire que l'automatisation des systemes de production et de contrOle pe...