North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) awarded us a grant to conduct an Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on Neuropsychology and Cognition. The ASI was conducted at Augusta, Georgia, USA, from September 8-18, 1980. Two volumes resulted from this Institute. Volume one consists of chapters from Corballis, Dimond, Spreen, Bakker, Pirozzolo, Aaron, Whitaker and Zangwill. Corballis discusses the evolution of laterality and Dimond presents specialization of hemispheric functions. Neuropsychological assess ment is the theme of Spreen's chapter and neuropsychological aspects of dyslexia is examined...
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) awarded us a grant to conduct an Advanced Study Institute (ASI) on Neuropsychology and Cognition. The ASI wa...
Reading is cne of the highest farns of aa;ru:i. red oogni ti ve func- tioos. It cares as no sw:prise, therefore, that the study of reeding has attracted nmerous investigators who, in spite of their diverse background, have been notivated by cne ultimate goal --to understand how we read and how we learn to reed. A sstantial prQIX)rticn of these investigators have attenpted to gain knowled~ about the neuro- p:;ychological processes that 1mderlie the reading process by studying individuals who fail to acquire reading skill (developtental dyslexia) and individuals wOO aa;IUire a reading deficit...
Reading is cne of the highest farns of aa;ru:i. red oogni ti ve func- tioos. It cares as no sw:prise, therefore, that the study of reeding has attract...