Reading is cne of the highest farns of aa;ru:i. red oogni ti ve func- tioos. It cares as no sw:prise, therefore, that the study of reeding has attracted nmerous investigators who, in spite of their diverse background, have been notivated by cne ultimate goal --to understand how we read and how we learn to reed. A sstantial prQIX)rticn of these investigators have attenpted to gain knowled~ about the neuro- p:;ychological processes that 1mderlie the reading process by studying individuals who fail to acquire reading skill (developtental dyslexia) and individuals wOO aa;IUire a reading deficit...
Reading is cne of the highest farns of aa;ru:i. red oogni ti ve func- tioos. It cares as no sw:prise, therefore, that the study of reeding has attract...