Well-respected leaders in the field of in vitro neurotoxicology take a fresh look at their own and other's work, critically and comparatively analyzing it across experimental systems and toxicants, and synthesizing essential principles for in vitro neurotoxicity testing. Neurotoxicants of significance to human health are emphasized, especially those for which metabolism and dose-responses are well well studied both in vivo and in vitro: lead, mercury, organophosphorous insecticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and dioxin, ethanol, and endogenous proteins. The goal is to set out new concepts and...
Well-respected leaders in the field of in vitro neurotoxicology take a fresh look at their own and other's work, critically and comparatively analyzin...
Vital to academic researchers, the medical field, and especially to biotech and pharmaceutical scientists, metabolomics is a rapidly expanding field that will provide a key link between functional biology (phenotypes) and the inner workings of cells in tissues or whole organisms. In The Handbook of Metabolomics, expert researchers provide readers with the current state of metabolomic development and the integration of metabolomics with transcriptomics and proteomics, illustrated by research efforts related to toxicology and pharmacology. The detailed contributions deal with topics ranging...
Vital to academic researchers, the medical field, and especially to biotech and pharmaceutical scientists, metabolomics is a rapidly expanding field t...
Recent findings have implied a distinct therapeutic potential for drugs targeting Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels in a wide variety of diseases, many with no existing satisfactory treatment options. Thus, the TRP superfamily of ion channels has attracted a great deal of well-deserved attention. TRP Channels in Drug Discovery provides a thorough collection of the most up-to- date reviews and protocols on the subject, coming from top experts in the field. Volume I presents a series of state-of-the-art minireviews on the most interesting TRP channels (from TRPA1 to TRPV4), as well as...
Recent findings have implied a distinct therapeutic potential for drugs targeting Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels in a wide variety of dis...
Recent findings have implied a distinct therapeutic potential for drugs targeting Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels in a wide variety of diseases, many with no existing satisfactory treatment options. Thus, the TRP superfamily of ion channels has attracted a great deal of well-deserved attention. TRP Channels in Drug Discovery provides a thorough collection of the most up-to-date reviews and protocols on the subject, coming from top experts in the field. Volume II presents practical methodologies involving models for disorders of the cardiovascular system, the...
Recent findings have implied a distinct therapeutic potential for drugs targeting Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) channels in a wide variety of ...
Covering ocular pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and toxicology, Ocular Pharmacology and Toxicology provides ophthalmologists, toxicologists, and pharmacologists with both an introduction to the proper methods for ocular pharmacology and toxicology as well as providing practical methodologies for conducting ocular studies. Expert authors have contributed detailed chapters on study design, analysis, and routes to regulatory approval for various types and routes of ophthalmic drugs. As a volume in the Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology series, chapters feature the kind...
Covering ocular pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and toxicology, Ocular Pharmacology and Toxicology provides ophthalmologists, toxicologi...
G Protein‐Coupled Receptor Genetics: Research and Methods in the Post‐Genomic Era features practical techniques inspired by the fast moving GPCR field. From powerful bioinformatic tools tracing the evolution of GPCRs, to methods for the cellular transfection of engineered viruses containing GPCRs, to optogenetic techniques that produce light-activated GPCRs in live mice, what was once science fiction is now science fact. This detailed volume includes sections covering genetic mechanisms, a genetic toolbox for GPCR discovery, as well as genetic...
G Protein‐Coupled Receptor Genetics: Research and Methods in the Post‐Genomic Era features practical...
In Vitro Toxicology Systems brings together important issues and considerations needed in order to develop a workable, reliable, integrated testing strategy for the replacement of animals in toxicity testing regimes. This thorough volume includes sections on in vitro models for systemic organ toxicity, neurotoxicity, sensory organs, immunotoxicity and reproductive toxicity and addresses how stem cells may be used going forward. The book also tackles difficult areas of toxicology such as carcinogenicity and nanotoxicology, with additional chapters dedicated to kinetics, metabolism,...
In Vitro Toxicology Systems brings together important issues and considerations needed in order to develop a workable, reliable, integrated ...
Thoroughly revised and updated, Optimization in Drug Discovery: In Vitro Methods, Second Edition presents a wide spectrum of in vitro assays including formulation, plasma binding, absorption and permeability, cytochrome P450 (CYP) and UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGT) metabolism, CYP inhibition and induction, drug transporters, drug-drug interactions via assessment of reactive metabolites, genotoxicity, and chemical and photo-mutagenicity assays. Written for the Methods in Pharmacology and Toxicology series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of...
Thoroughly revised and updated, Optimization in Drug Discovery: In Vitro Methods, Second Edition presents a wide spectrum of in vitro assays...
Genotoxicity and DNA Repair: A Practical Approach provides a key reference for determining how to analyze the genotoxic activity of molecules or materials and, at the same time, serves as a useful tool for researchers in the Environmental Mutagenesis and DNA Repair fields. Focused on genotoxicity assays recommended by the "OECD guidelines for the testing of chemicals," this volume also covers other useful assays, such as some gene mutation assays, the comet assay in different species and applications, and the SMART assays of Drosophila. For all the assays, the book presents brief...
Genotoxicity and DNA Repair: A Practical Approach provides a key reference for determining how to analyze the genotoxic activity of molecule...