Chromosomes, as the genetic vehicles, provide the basic material for a large proportion of genetic investigations, from the construction of gene maps and models of chromosome organization, to the inves tigation of gene function and dysfunction. The study of chromosomes has developed in parallel with other aspects of molecular genetics, beginning with the first preparations of chromosomes from animal cells, through the development of banding techniques, which permitted the unequivocal identification of each chromosome in a karyotype, to the present analytical methods of molecular cytogenetics....
Chromosomes, as the genetic vehicles, provide the basic material for a large proportion of genetic investigations, from the construction of gene maps ...
The field of eukaryotic DNA repair is enjoying a period of remarkable growth and discovery, fueled by technological advances in molecular biol ogy, protein biochemistry, and genetics. Notahle achievements include the molecular cloning of multiple genes associated with classical human repair disorders, such as xeroderma pigmentosum, Cockayne syndrome, and ataxia telangiectasia; elucidation of the core reaction of nucleotide excision repair (NER); the discovery that certain NER proteins participate not only in repair, but also in transcription; recognition of the crucial role played by mismatch...
The field of eukaryotic DNA repair is enjoying a period of remarkable growth and discovery, fueled by technological advances in molecular biol ogy, pr...
Protocols in Molecular Parasitology offers a wide range of experi- mental protocols, each written by experts, to research workers interested in exploring the molecular aspects of parasitology. This is a field that has expanded enormously in scope and potential over the last decade, although it is as yet significantly underrepresented in the literature out- side of academic journals. The need for manuals such as this one stems in part from the increasing difficulty of reproducing experimental tech- niques from reports in standard journal papers, where pressures on space usually result in...
Protocols in Molecular Parasitology offers a wide range of experi- mental protocols, each written by experts, to research workers interested in explor...
It is now twenty years since Cohen and Boyer's first steps into DNA cloning. In the time since then, there has been an ever increasing acc- eration in the development and application of the cloning methodology. With the recent development of the polymerase chain reaction, a second generation of the technology has been born, enabling the isolation of DNA (and in particular, genes) with little more information than the p- tial knowledge of the sequence. In fact, DNA sequencing is now so advanced that it can almost be carried out on the industrial scale. As a consequence of these advances, it...
It is now twenty years since Cohen and Boyer's first steps into DNA cloning. In the time since then, there has been an ever increasing acc- eration in...
As the technology base for the preparation of increasingly c- plex peptides has improved, the methods for their purification and ana- sis have also been improved and supplemented. Peptide science routinely utilizes tools and techniques that are common to organic chemistry, p- tein chemistry, biophysical chemistry, enzymology, pharmacology, and molecular biology. A fundamental understanding of each of these areas is essential for interpreting all of the data that a peptide scientist may see. The purpose of Peptide Analysis Protocols is to provide the novice with sufficient practical...
As the technology base for the preparation of increasingly c- plex peptides has improved, the methods for their purification and ana- sis have also be...
As a scientist with an interest in proteins you will, at some time in your career, isolate an enzyme that turns out to be yellow--or perhaps you already have. Alternatively, you may identify a polypeptide sequence that is related to known flavin-containing proteins. This may, or may not, be your first encounter with flavoproteins. However, even if you are an old hand in the field, you may not have exploited the full range of experimental approaches applicable to the study of flavoproteins. We hope that Flavoprotein Protocols will encourage you to do so. In this volume we have sought to bring...
As a scientist with an interest in proteins you will, at some time in your career, isolate an enzyme that turns out to be yellow--or perhaps you alrea...
Interest in epitope mapping, or finding out where antibodies bind to their antigens, is by no means restricted to immunologists, but is shared by biolo gists from a wide range of disciplines in which antibodies are used as molecu lar reagents. The epitope mapper may be interested in studying protein-protein interactions, in developing an immunoassay, in producing protective peptide vaccines, in investigating the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, or in defining protein topology in intact cells or organelles, to mention only a few of the possibilities. The aim of Epitope Mapping Protocols is...
Interest in epitope mapping, or finding out where antibodies bind to their antigens, is by no means restricted to immunologists, but is shared by biol...
The first volume in this Methods Molecular Biology series, Proteins (1984), concentrated on basic techniques for the analysis and purification of peptides and proteins. As the series developed, more specialized volumes on proteins were introduced, such as those on Immunochemical Protocols (vol. 10), Practical Protein Chro- tography (vol. 11), Analysis Glycoprotein Biomedicine (vol. 14), Protein-DNA Interactions (vol. 30), Biomembrane Protocols (vols. 19 and 27), Analyses and Methods (vol. 17), and Optical Spectroscopy, Microscopy, and Macroscopic Techniques (vol. 22). Further specialist...
The first volume in this Methods Molecular Biology series, Proteins (1984), concentrated on basic techniques for the analysis and purification of pept...
When first conceived, not only was the aim of Protocols for Oligo- nucleotides and Analogs to provide wide coverage of the ohgonuc- otide chemistry field for readers who are well versed within the field, but also to give investigators just entering into the field a new perspective. The very first book on this topic was edited and published by Michael Gait in 1984, in whose laboratory I encountered the newer aspects of oligonucleotide chemistry. Since then, oligonucleotide research has developed to such an extent that its uses extend far beyond basic studies, and now find wide application...
When first conceived, not only was the aim of Protocols for Oligo- nucleotides and Analogs to provide wide coverage of the ohgonuc- otide chemistry fi...
7he a1m 0f EL15A: 7he0ry and Pract1ce t0 1ntr0duce the expe- menter t0 the techn0109y kn0wn the En2yme L1nked 1mmun050r6ent A55ay (EL15A). 7he 600k d1rected at w0rker5 w1th vary1n9 de9ree5 0f exper1ence, 6ut f0r th05e w1th0ut any prev10u5 c0ntact w1th the a55ay. 1mmun0a55ay5 f0rm the 6ack60ne 0f u5ed te5t5 the 5tudy 0f 1nf- d15ea5e5 t10u5 and end0cr1n0109y, and hence can 6e u5ed t01d- a9ent5 cau5at1ve t1fy 0f the extent and nature (ep1dem10109y) 0f d15ea5e, and mea5ure h0rm0ne5 at EL15A5 pr0v1de h19h1y and prec15e meth0d5 f0r the mat10n 0f parameter5, w1th the added advanta9e that they can...
7he a1m 0f EL15A: 7he0ry and Pract1ce t0 1ntr0duce the expe- menter t0 the techn0109y kn0wn the En2yme L1nked 1mmun050r6ent A55ay (EL15A). 7he 600k d1...