PREFACE The Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture is involved in agricultural research and development and assists Member States of FAO and IAEA in improving strategies to ensure food security through the use of nuclear techniques and related biotechnologies, where such techniques have a valuable and often unique role. In particular, molecular diagnostic methods have rapidly evolved in the past twenty years, since the advent of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). They are used in a wide range of agricultural areas such as, improving soil and water management;...
PREFACE The Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture is involved in agricultural research and development and assists Mem...
7he a1m 0f EL15A: 7he0ry and Pract1ce t0 1ntr0duce the expe- menter t0 the techn0109y kn0wn the En2yme L1nked 1mmun050r6ent A55ay (EL15A). 7he 600k d1rected at w0rker5 w1th vary1n9 de9ree5 0f exper1ence, 6ut f0r th05e w1th0ut any prev10u5 c0ntact w1th the a55ay. 1mmun0a55ay5 f0rm the 6ack60ne 0f u5ed te5t5 the 5tudy 0f 1nf- d15ea5e5 t10u5 and end0cr1n0109y, and hence can 6e u5ed t01d- a9ent5 cau5at1ve t1fy 0f the extent and nature (ep1dem10109y) 0f d15ea5e, and mea5ure h0rm0ne5 at EL15A5 pr0v1de h19h1y and prec15e meth0d5 f0r the mat10n 0f parameter5, w1th the added advanta9e that they can...
7he a1m 0f EL15A: 7he0ry and Pract1ce t0 1ntr0duce the expe- menter t0 the techn0109y kn0wn the En2yme L1nked 1mmun050r6ent A55ay (EL15A). 7he 600k d1...
The uses of nucleic acid-directed methods have increased significantly in the past five years and have made important contributions to disease control country programmes for improving national and international trade. These developments include the more routine use of PCR as a diagnostic tool in veterinary diagnostic laboratories. There are, however, many problems associated with the transfer and particularly the application of this technology. These include a lack of consideration for the implementation and establishment of quality-assured procedures, the required set-up of the laboratory...
The uses of nucleic acid-directed methods have increased significantly in the past five years and have made important contributions to disease cont...
There have been very few developments that markedly affect the need to greatly revise the text from the last version of this book. This is testament to the fact that hetero- neous enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) provide ideal systems for dealing with a wide range of studies in many biological areas. The main reason for this success is test flexibility, whereby reactants can be used in different combinations, either attached passively to a solid phase support or in the liquid phase. The exploitation of the ELISA has been increased through continued development of specifically...
There have been very few developments that markedly affect the need to greatly revise the text from the last version of this book. This is testament t...