Begrifflich-methodische, formale und funktionale Grundlagen der Fachsprachenlexikographie und Terminographie, ausgewahlte Problembereiche der computergestutzten Fachsprachenlexikographie, Erstellung der Korpora und Paralleltext-Datenbanken, Funktionalitat und Benutzungsbezogenheit der fachlexikographischen Produkte, Einsatz solcher Produkte in Lernprozessen und ubersetzerischer Praxis sowie Professionalisierung, Berufsprofilierung und Ausbildung in beiden Bereichen sind Themen, die in 19 Beitragen in diesem Sammelband erortert werden. Die inhaltliche Breite der Beitrage lasst...
Begrifflich-methodische, formale und funktionale Grundlagen der Fachsprachenlexikographie und Terminographie, ausgewahlte Problembereiche der compu...
Can learner dictionaries help to build vocabulary? What are the preconditions for transforming learner dictionaries into teaching dictionaries? The study draws on the related disciplines of vocabulary didactics and learning psychology to examine the usefulness of learner dictionaries for systematic vocabulary acquisition. It goes on to test its hypotheses using eye-tracking studies.
Can learner dictionaries help to build vocabulary? What are the preconditions for transforming learner dictionaries into teaching dictionaries? The...
In den Beitragen wird die Problematik der festen Wortverbindungen von Kollokationen bis zu idiomatischen bzw. phraseologischen Einheiten aus lexikologischer, lexikographischer, kontrastiver und korpuslinguister Sicht behandelt. Im Zentrum steht die Problematik der Kollokationslexikographie. Zwei Beitrage sind der Problematik der Ubersetzung von festen Wortverbindungen gewidmet. Die kontrastiven Untersuchungen beziehen sich auf die Sprachenpaare Deutsch-Slowakisch, Deutsch-Bulgarisch, Deutsch-Russisch und Englisch-Slowenisch.
In den Beitragen wird die Problematik der festen Wortverbindungen von Kollokationen bis zu idiomatischen bzw. phraseologischen Einheiten aus lexiko...
Lexicographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain of lexicology are also included, provided they strengthen the theoretical, methodological and empirical basis of lexicography and meta-lexicography. The almost 150 books published in the series since its founding in 1984 clearly reflect the main themes and developments of the field. The publications focus on aspects of lexicography such as micro- and macrostructure, typology, history of the discipline, and application-oriented lexicographical...
Lexicographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain...
Lexicographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain of lexicology are also included, provided they strengthen the theoretical, methodological and empirical basis of lexicography and meta-lexicography. The almost 150 books published in the series since its founding in 1984 clearly reflect the main themes and developments of the field. The publications focus on aspects of lexicography such as micro- and macrostructure, typology, history of the discipline, and application-oriented lexicographical...
Lexicographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain...
Lexicographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain of lexicology are also included, provided they strengthen the theoretical, methodological and empirical basis of lexicography and meta-lexicography. The almost 150 books published in the series since its founding in 1984 clearly reflect the main themes and developments of the field. The publications focus on aspects of lexicography such as micro- and macrostructure, typology, history of the discipline, and application-oriented lexicographical...
Lexicographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain...
Lexicographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain of lexicology are also included, provided they strengthen the theoretical, methodological and empirical basis of lexicography and meta-lexicography. The almost 150 books published in the series since its founding in 1984 clearly reflect the main themes and developments of the field. The publications focus on aspects of lexicography such as micro- and macrostructure, typology, history of the discipline, and application-oriented lexicographical...
Lexicographica. Series Maior features monographs and edited volumes on the topics of lexicography and meta-lexicography. Works from the broader domain...