OpenMP is an application programming interface (API) that is widely accepted as a de facto standard for high-level shared-memory parallel programming. It is a portable, scalable programming model that provides a simple and ?exible interface for developing shared-memory parallel applications in Fortran, C, and C++. Since its introduction in 1997, OpenMP has gained support from the - jority of high-performance compiler and hardware vendors. Under the direction of the OpenMP Architecture Review Board (ARB), the OpenMP speci?cation is undergoing further improvement. Active research in OpenMP...
OpenMP is an application programming interface (API) that is widely accepted as a de facto standard for high-level shared-memory parallel programming....
Much of a software architect's life is spent designing software systems to meet a set of quality requirements. General software quality attributes include scalability, security, performance or reliability. Quality attribute requirements are part of an application's non-functional requirements, which capture the many facets of how the functional - quirements of an application are achieved. Understanding, modeling and continually evaluating quality attributes throughout a project lifecycle are all complex engineering tasks whichcontinuetochallengethe softwareengineeringscienti ccommunity. While...
Much of a software architect's life is spent designing software systems to meet a set of quality requirements. General software quality attributes inc...
Models have become essential for supporting the development, analysis and e- lution of large-scale and complex IT systems. Models allow di?erent views, p- spectives and elements of a system to be captured rigorously and precisely, thus allowing automated tools to manipulate and manage the models. In a full-?edged model-driven engineering (MDE) process, the transformations developed and - pressed between models are also key. Model transformations allow the de?nition and implementation of the operations on models, and also provide a chain that enables the automated development of a system from...
Models have become essential for supporting the development, analysis and e- lution of large-scale and complex IT systems. Models allow di?erent views...
The 2009 Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE 2009) was the 12thin a series ofsuccessful eventsthat havegrowninto the main forum for industrial and academic experts to discuss component technology. Component-based software engineering (CBSE) has emerged as the under- ing technology for the assembly of ?exible software systems. In essence, CBSE is about composing computational building blocks to construct larger building blocks that ful?ll client needs. Most software engineers are involved in some form of component-based development. Nonetheless, the implications of CBSE...
The 2009 Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE 2009) was the 12thin a series ofsuccessful eventsthat havegrowninto the main forum fo...
The 8th International Conference on Software Composition, SC 2009, was held in Zu ]rich, Switzerland, during July 2-3, 2009. Over the years SC has become an important and inspiring forum for researchers, practitioners, and students working in the broad ?eld of software composition. This topic area was further exploredbybothhigh-qualitypaperpresentationsaswellastwoexcellentinvited speakers. In all, 34 submissions underwent a full review process by the Program C- mittee (PC). Only 10 were accepted for publication and presentation at the conference. The published papers were selected according...
The 8th International Conference on Software Composition, SC 2009, was held in Zu ]rich, Switzerland, during July 2-3, 2009. Over the years SC has bec...
The ?fth edition of the European Conference on Model-Driven Architecture Foundations and Applications (ECMDA-FA 2009) was dedicated to furthering the state of knowledge and fostering the industrialization of Model-Driven - chitecture (MDA) and Model-Driven Engineering (MDE). MDA is an initiative proposed by the Object Management Group for platform-generic systems - velopment; MDA is one of a class of approaches under the umbrella of MDE. MDE and MDA promote the use of models in the speci?cation, design, analysis, synthesis, deployment, and evolution of complex software systems. It is a...
The ?fth edition of the European Conference on Model-Driven Architecture Foundations and Applications (ECMDA-FA 2009) was dedicated to furthering the ...
This volume contains the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2009). The conference took place in Pasadena, Ca- fornia during July 14-17, 2009. The ICLP series of conferences is aimed at p- viding a technical forum for presenting and disseminating innovative research results in the ?eld of logic programming. Theconference, whichwasco-locatedwiththeInternationalJointConference on Arti?cial Intelligence (IJCAI), featured technical presentations, tutorials, - vited talks, and a number of special events, including: - The 5th ICLP Doctoral Student Consortium...
This volume contains the proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2009). The conference took place in Pasadena, Ca-...
ThisvolumecontainstheproceedingsofATC2009, the6thInternationalConf- ence on Autonomic and Trusted Computing: Bringing Safe, Self-x and Organic Computing Systems into Reality. The conference was held in Brisbane, A- tralia, during July 7-9, 2009. The conference was technically co-sponsored by the IEEE and the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Scalable Computing. ATC 2009 was accompanied by three workshops on a variety of research challenges within the area of autonomic and trusted computing. ATC 2009 is a successor of the First International Workshop on Trusted and Autonomic...
ThisvolumecontainstheproceedingsofATC2009, the6thInternationalConf- ence on Autonomic and Trusted Computing: Bringing Safe, Self-x and Organic Computi...
Offers an overview of the work undertaken by researchers in the area of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering. This volume constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, AOSE 2008, held in Estoril, Portugal, in May 2008 as part of AAMAS 2008.
Offers an overview of the work undertaken by researchers in the area of Agent-Oriented Software Engineering. This volume constitutes the thoroughly re...
This volume contains the lecture notes from the courses o?ered at the Inter- tional Summer School on Language Engineering and Rigorous Software De- lopment, held in Piriap olis, Uruguay, from February 25 to March 1, 2008. The aim of the schoolwasthe dissemination of advancedscienti?c knowledge in the areas of programming languages and rigorous methods for software - velopment. The school was oriented to computer science graduate students and researchers, withaninterestinformaltechniquesforthedesignandconstruction of software systems as well as programming languages. The school was organized...
This volume contains the lecture notes from the courses o?ered at the Inter- tional Summer School on Language Engineering and Rigorous Software De- lo...