This volume presents the reports from the workshops held in conjunction with theEuropeanConferenceonObject-OrientedProgramming(ECOOP2008), t- ing place in its 22nd edition at Coral Beach in Paphos, Cyprus, July 7-11 2008. As is customary, the workshops introduced the conference, taking place on the ?rst two days (July 7 and July 8 2008) prior to the main technical track. The workshopswere ?rst chosen through a rigorousprocesswith stringent sel- tion criteria, carried out by the members of the Workshop Selection Committee. This volumecollectsreportsfromthe resultinghigh-qualityworkshops. The...
This volume presents the reports from the workshops held in conjunction with theEuropeanConferenceonObject-OrientedProgramming(ECOOP2008), t- ing plac...
This volume contains the papers accepted for presentation at the 15th Wo- ing Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2009), held in Amsterdam during June 8-9, 2009. Since 1994, when the ?rstREFSQ tookplace, requirementsengineering (RE) has never ceasedto be a dominantfactor in?uencing the quality of software, s- tems and services. Initially started as a workshop, the REFSQ working conf- ence series has now established itself as one of the leading international forums for discussing RE in its many relations to quality. It seeks reports on novel ideas and...
This volume contains the papers accepted for presentation at the 15th Wo- ing Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality ...
This year's edition of the international federated conferences on Distributed Computing Techniques(DisCoTec)tookplaceinLisbonduring June9-11,2009. ItwashostedbytheFacultyofSciencesoftheUniversityofLisbon, andformally the organized by the Instituto de Telecomunicac , oes. The DisCoTecconferences jointly coverthe completespectrum ofdistributed computing topics, ranging from theoretical foundations to formal speci?cation techniques to practical considerations. This year's event consisted of the 11th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (COORDI- NATION), the 9th IFIP...
This year's edition of the international federated conferences on Distributed Computing Techniques(DisCoTec)tookplaceinLisbonduring June9-11,2009. Itw...
Celebrating 65th birthday of Nissim Francez, this title contains 15 papers, written by friends and colleagues, many of whom congregated at a celebratory symposium held on May 24-25, 2009, in Haifa, Israel.
Celebrating 65th birthday of Nissim Francez, this title contains 15 papers, written by friends and colleagues, many of whom congregated at a celebrato...
These are the conference proceedings of the 4th Haifa Veri?cation Conference, held October 27-30, 2008 in Haifa, Israel. This international conference is a unique venue that brings together leading researchers and practitioners of both formal and dynamic veri?cation, for both hardware and software systems. This year's conference extended the successes of the previous years, with a largejumpinthenumberofsubmitted papers. Wereceived49totalsubmissions, with many more high-quality papers than we had room to accept. Submissions came from 19 di?erent countries, re?ecting the growing international...
These are the conference proceedings of the 4th Haifa Veri?cation Conference, held October 27-30, 2008 in Haifa, Israel. This international conference...
This volume contains papers presented at the International Conference on Software Process (ICSP 2009) held in Vancouver, Canada, during May 16-17, 2009. ICSP 2009 was the third conference of the ICSP series, continuing the software process workshops from 25 years ago. The theme of ICSP 2009 was "Processes to Develop Trustworthy Software." Software development takes place in a dynamic context of frequently changing technologies and limited resources. Teams worldwide are under increasing pressure to deliver trustworthy software products more quickly and with higher levels of quality. At the...
This volume contains papers presented at the International Conference on Software Process (ICSP 2009) held in Vancouver, Canada, during May 16-17, 200...
Following the tradition of previous editions of the MODELS conference, many satellite events were organized in co-location with the MODELS conference in Toulouse in 2008: 12 workshops, 3 symposia, 9 tutorials, a poster session, and a tools exhibition. The selection of the workshops was organized by a Workshop Selection Committee, which consisted of the following experts: - Michel R. V. Chaudron, Leiden University, The Netherlands (Chair) - Jochen Kuster ], IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland - Henry Muccini, University of L'Aquila, Italy - Holger Giese, Hasso-Plattner-Institute, Germany - Hans...
Following the tradition of previous editions of the MODELS conference, many satellite events were organized in co-location with the MODELS conference ...
This book presents a set of 8 papers accompanying the lectures of leading researchers given at the 9th edition of the International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication and Software Systems, SFM 2009, held in Bertinoro, Italy, in June 2009. SFM 2009 was devoted to formal methods for web services and covered several aspects including coreography, orchestration, description techniques, interaction, synthesis, composition, session types, contracts, verification, security, and performance.
This book presents a set of 8 papers accompanying the lectures of leading researchers given at the 9th edition of the International School on Formal M...
The 14th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada- Europe 2009 - was part of a series of annual international conferences devoted tothepromotionandadvancementofallaspectsofreliablesoftwaretechnologies. The objective of this series of conferences, which is run and sponsored by Ada- Europe, the Europeanfederation of national Ada societies, is to providea forum to promote the development of reliable software both as an industrial technique and an academic discipline. This edition marked a return to France by selecting the splendid venue of Brittany, a region marked by its...
The 14th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada- Europe 2009 - was part of a series of annual international conferences devo...
It is our great pleasure to present the proceedings of the 16th International ConferenceonAnalyticalandStochasticModellingTechniquesandApplications (ASMTA 2009) that took place in Madrid. The conference has become an established annual event in the agenda of the experts of analytical modelling and performance evaluation in Europe and internationally. This year the proceedings continued to be published as part of Springer's prestigiousLecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. This is another sign of the growing con?dence in the quality standards and procedures followed in the reviewing...
It is our great pleasure to present the proceedings of the 16th International ConferenceonAnalyticalandStochasticModellingTechniquesandApplications (A...