The aim of the FMICS workshop series is to provide a forum for researchers who are interested in the development and application of formal methods in industry. In particular, these workshops are intended to bring together scientists and practitioners who are active in the area of formal methods and interested in exchanging their experiences in the industrial usage of these methods. These workshopsalso striveto promoteresearchand developmentfor the improvement of formal methods and tools for industrial applications. The topics for which contributions to FMICS 2008 were solicited included, but...
The aim of the FMICS workshop series is to provide a forum for researchers who are interested in the development and application of formal methods in ...
The current trend in the state-of-the-art infrastructure for computational s- ence is dominated by two concepts: multicore processors and a massive number ofprocessorsinsupercomputers.Thenumberofcoresinprocessorshasincreased rapidly in last few years and this has driven the number of processors in the supercomputers to new scales. As the scale of the supercomputers increases so doesthedominanceofmessagepassingbetweenprocessors.TheEuroPVM/MPI conferenceseries is the premier researcheventfor high-performanceparallelp- gramminginthemessage-passingparadigm.Applicationsusingparallelmessa- passing...
The current trend in the state-of-the-art infrastructure for computational s- ence is dominated by two concepts: multicore processors and a massive nu...
This volume contains the papers presented at CP 2009: The 15th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. It was held from September 20-24, 2009 at the Rectory of the New University of Lisbon, Portugal. Everyone involved with the conference thanks our sponsors for their support. There were 128 submissions to the research track, of which 53 were accepted for a rate of 41.4%. Each submission was reviewed by three reviewers, with a small number of additional reviews obtained in exceptional cases. Each review waseitherbyaProgrammeCommitteemember,...
This volume contains the papers presented at CP 2009: The 15th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. It was h...
ICSR is the premier international conference in the ?eld of software reuse. The main goal of ICSR is to present the advances and improvements within the software reuse domain, as well as to promote interaction between researchers and practitioners. The 11th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR 2009) was held during September 27-30, 2009 in Falls Church, VA, USA. 2009 was the year that ICSR went back to its roots. The theme was "Formal Foundations of Reuse and Domain Engineering." We explored the theory and formal foundations that underlie current reuse and domain engineering...
ICSR is the premier international conference in the ?eld of software reuse. The main goal of ICSR is to present the advances and improvements within t...
The pioneering organizers of the ?rst UML workshop in Mulhouse, France inthe summerof1998couldhardlyhaveanticipatedthat, in littleoveradecade, theirinitiativewouldblossomintotoday'shighlysuccessfulMODELSconference series, the premier annual gathering of researchersand practitioners focusing on a very important new technical discipline: model-based software and system engineering. This expansion is, of course, a direct consequence of the growing signi?cance and success of model-based methods in practice. The conferences have contributed greatly to the heightened interest in the ?eld,...
The pioneering organizers of the ?rst UML workshop in Mulhouse, France inthe summerof1998couldhardlyhaveanticipatedthat, in littleoveradecade, theirin...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2009, held in Nice, France in September/October 2009. The 35 revised full papers, 17 short papers, and 35 posters presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 136 paper submissions and 22 poster submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on adaptation and personalization, interoperability, semantic Web, Web 2.0., data mining and social networks, collaboration and social knowledge construction, learning communities and communities of practice, learning...
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2009, held in Nice, France in Se...
The RV series of workshops brings together researchers from academia and - dustry that are interested in runtime veri?cation. The goal of the RV workshops is to study the ability to apply lightweight formal veri?cation during the exe- tion of programs. This approach complements the o?ine use of formal methods, which often use large resources. Runtime veri?cation methods and tools include the instrumentation of code with pieces of software that can help to test and monitor it online and detect, and sometimes prevent, potential faults. RV 2009 was held during June 26-28 in Grenoble, adjacent to...
The RV series of workshops brings together researchers from academia and - dustry that are interested in runtime veri?cation. The goal of the RV works...
Welcome to the proceedings of ECOOP 2009 Thanks to the local organizersfor working hard on arranging the conference - with the hard work they put in, it was a great success. Thanks to Sophia Drossopoulou for her dedicated work as PC Chair in assembling a ?ne scienti?c program including forward-looking keynotes, and for her e?orts to reduce the environmental impact of the PC meeting by replacing a physical meeting with a virtual meeting. I would also like to thank James Noble for taking the time and e?ort to write up last year's banquet speech so that it could be included in this year's...
Welcome to the proceedings of ECOOP 2009 Thanks to the local organizersfor working hard on arranging the conference - with the hard work they put in,...
1 This volume contains the research papers and invited papers presented at the Third International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP 2009) held at ETH Zurich, Switzerland, during July 2-3, 2009. TheTAPconferenceisdevotedtotheconvergenceofproofsandtests. Itc- bines ideasfromboth sidesforthe advancementofsoftwarequality. Toprovethe correctness of a program is to demonstrate, through impeccable mathematical techniques, that it has no bugs; to test a program is to run it with the exp- tation of discovering bugs. The two techniques seem contradictory: if you have proved your program, it is...
1 This volume contains the research papers and invited papers presented at the Third International Conference on Tests and Proofs (TAP 2009) held at E...