The Second Workshop of Blended Learning (WBL 2008), as part of the 7th Inter- tional Conference on Web-Based Learning (ICWL 2008), was held in Zhejiang N- mal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China during August 20 22, 2008. WBL 2008 provided an international forum for the dissemination of original results in the design, implementation, and evaluation of blended learning systems and related areas. In particular, the aim of WBL 2008 was to bring together researchers from academia as well as commercial developers from industry to explore ideas, exchange and share experiences, and further build the...
The Second Workshop of Blended Learning (WBL 2008), as part of the 7th Inter- tional Conference on Web-Based Learning (ICWL 2008), was held in Zhejian...
Thisvolumecontainsthesetofpaperspresentedatthe SPECBenchmarkWo- shop 2009 held January 25 in Austin, Texas, USA. The program included eight refereed papers, a keynote talk on virtualization technology benchmarking, an invited paper on power benchmarking and a panel on multi-core benchmarking. EachrefereedpaperwasreviewedbyatleastfourProgramCommitteemembers. The result is a collection of high-quality papers discussing current issues in the area of benchmarking research and technology. A number of people contributed to the success of this workshop.Rudi Eig- mann served as General Chair and ably...
Thisvolumecontainsthesetofpaperspresentedatthe SPECBenchmarkWo- shop 2009 held January 25 in Austin, Texas, USA. The program included eight refereed p...
This volume includes the proceedings of all the ?ve workshops that were held as part of the International Conference on Service-Oriented Systems 2007 (ICSOC 2007): Mashups 2007: First International Workshop on Web APIs and Services Mashups NFPSLA-SOC 2007: Workshop on Non-Functional Properties and Service Level Agreements in Service-Oriented Computing SeMSoc 2007: Second International SeMSoC Workshop Business-Oriented Aspects Concerning Semantics and Methodologies in Service-Oriented Computing TSOA 2007: First International Workshop on Telecom Service-Oriented Architectures WESOA2007:...
This volume includes the proceedings of all the ?ve workshops that were held as part of the International Conference on Service-Oriented Systems 2007 ...
Software-intensive systems have become increasingly important for a multitude of products and services from all sectors of the economy, our national and - ternational infrastructure, and our daily lives. The ongoing decrease in size and cost of microprocessorsandstoragedevicesis leading to the development of ever more distributed and decentralized systems. Systems are assembled as dynamic federationsofautonomousandevolvingcomponents insteadof monolithicapp- cations, they perform tasks of staggering complexity with continuously cha- ing requirements and in a permanently evolving environment....
Software-intensive systems have become increasingly important for a multitude of products and services from all sectors of the economy, our national a...
ThisvolumecontainsthepaperspresentedattheInternationalConferenceon- tegratedFormalMethods, iFM2009, heldon16-19February2009inDusseldorf ], Germany.Theconferencewastheseventhinaseriesofconferencesonintegrated formal methods, with previous editions in York, Dagstuhl, Turku, Canterbury, Eindhoven and Oxford. The iFM conference series seeks to further research into the combination of di?erent formal methods, both for modelling and analysis, covering all aspects from language design over veri?cation techniques to tools and their integration into software engineering practice. iFM 2009 received 55...
Work practices and organizational processes vary widely and evolve constantly. The technological infrastructure has to follow, allowing or even supporting these changes. Traditional approaches to software engineering reach their limits whenever the full spectrum of user requirements cannot be anticipated or the frequency of changes makes software reengineering cycles too clumsy to address all the needs of a specific field of application. Moreover, the increasing importance of 'infrastructural' aspects, particularly the mutual dependencies between technologies, usages, and domain competencies,...
Work practices and organizational processes vary widely and evolve constantly. The technological infrastructure has to follow, allowing or even suppor...
Human Machine Interaction, or more commonly Human Computer Interaction, is the study of interaction between people and computers. It is an interdisciplinary field, connecting computer science with many other disciplines such as psychology, sociology and the arts.
The present volume documents the results of the MMI research program on Human Machine Interaction involving 8 projects (selected from a total of 80 proposals) funded by the Hasler Foundation between 2005 and 2008.
These projects were also partially funded by the associated universities and other third...
Human Machine Interaction, or more commonly Human Computer Interaction, is the study of interaction between people and computers. It is an interdiscip...
We are pleased to present the proceedings of the First International Conf- ence on Software LanguageEngineering (SLE 2008). The conference was held in th Toulouse, FranceduringSeptember29-30,2008andwasco-locatedwiththe11 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Model-Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2008). The SLE conference series is devoted to a wide range of topics related to arti?cial languages in software engineering. SLE is an international research forum that brings together researchers and practitioners from both industry and academia to expand the frontiers of software...
We are pleased to present the proceedings of the First International Conf- ence on Software LanguageEngineering (SLE 2008). The conference was held in...
The growing complexity of modern software systems increases the di?culty of ensuring the overall dependability of software-intensive systems. Complexity of environments, in which systems operate, high dependability requirements that systems have to meet, as well as the complexity of infrastructures on which they rely make system design a true engineering challenge. Mastering system complexity requires design techniques that support clear thinking and rigorous validation and veri?cation. Formal design methods help to achieve this. Coping with complexity also requires architectures that are t-...
The growing complexity of modern software systems increases the di?culty of ensuring the overall dependability of software-intensive systems. Complexi...
TheInternationalConferenceonService-OrientedComputing(ICSOC)hasbeen tracking the developments in service-oriented computing since its early stages with the ?rst conference held in Trento, Italy in 2003. Today, service-oriented computing has become a mainstream computing paradigm with an increasing numberoforganizationsadoptingservice-orientedarchitecture(SOA). Whilethe mainICSOCconferencefocusesonthe coreissuesinservice-orientedcomputing, ICSOC workshops have played a major role in providing a forum for the disc- sion of emergent researchtopics. Starting in 2005 at the Amsterdam conference,...
TheInternationalConferenceonService-OrientedComputing(ICSOC)hasbeen tracking the developments in service-oriented computing since its early stages wit...