The Third International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Lattice QCD tookplaceattheUniversityofEdinburgh fromJune30th toJuly4th,2003. It continued a sequence which started in 1995 at the University of Kentucky and continuedin1999withaworkshopattheUniversityofWuppertal.Theaimof these workshops is to bring together applied mathematicians and theoretical physicists to stimulate the exchange of ideas between leading experts in the ?elds of lattice QCD and numerical analysis. Indeed, the last ten years have seen quite a substantial increase in cooperation between the two scienti?c communities,...
The Third International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Lattice QCD tookplaceattheUniversityofEdinburgh fromJune30th toJuly4th,2003. It continued a...
Multiscale problems naturally pose severe challenges for computational science and engineering. The smaller scales must be well resolved over the range of the larger scales. Challenging multiscale problems are very common and are found in e.g. materials science, fluid mechanics, electrical and mechanical engineering. Homogenization, subgrid modelling, heterogeneous multiscale methods, multigrid, multipole, and adaptive algorithms are examples of methods to tackle these problems. This volume is an overview of current mathematical and computational methods for problems with multiple scales with...
Multiscale problems naturally pose severe challenges for computational science and engineering. The smaller scales must be well resolved over the rang...
Molecular simulation is a widely used tool in biology, chemistry, physics and engineering. This book contains a collection of articles by leading researchers who are developing new methods for molecular modelling and simulation. Topics addressed here include: multiscale formulations for biomolecular modelling, such as quantum-classical methods and advanced solvation techniques; protein folding methods and schemes for sampling complex landscapes; membrane simulations; free energy calculation; and techniques for improving ergodicity. The book is meant to be useful for practitioners in the...
Molecular simulation is a widely used tool in biology, chemistry, physics and engineering. This book contains a collection of articles by leading r...
Domain decomposition is an active research area concerned with the development, analysis, and implementation of coupling and decoupling strategies in mathematical and computational models of natural and engineered systems. The present volume sets forth new contributions in areas of numerical analysis, computer science, scientific and industrial applications, and software development.
Domain decomposition is an active research area concerned with the development, analysis, and implementation of coupling and decoupling strategies ...
rd This book presents a collection of selected contributions presented at the 3 International Workshop on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering, SCEE-2000, which took place in Warnemiinde, Germany, from August 20 to 23, 2000. Nearly hundred scientists and engineers from thirteen countries gathered in Warnemiinde to participate in the conference. Rostock Univer sity, the oldest university in Northern Europe founded in 1419, hosted the conference. This workshop followed two earlier workshops held 1997 at the Darmstadt University of Technology and 1998 at Weierstrass Institute for...
rd This book presents a collection of selected contributions presented at the 3 International Workshop on Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineeri...
The first international symposium on mathematical foundations of the finite element method was held at the University of Maryland in 1973. During the last three decades there has been great progress in the theory and practice of solving partial differential equations, and research has extended in various directions. Full-scale nonlinear problems have come within the range of nu merical simulation. The importance of mathematical modeling and analysis in science and engineering is steadily increasing. In addition, new possibili ties of analysing the reliability of computations have appeared....
The first international symposium on mathematical foundations of the finite element method was held at the University of Maryland in 1973. During the ...
Many computionally challenging problems omnipresent in science and engineering exhibit multiscale phenomena so that the task of computing or even representing all scales of action is computationally very expensive unless the multiscale nature of these problems is exploited in a fundamental way. Some diverse examples of practical interest include the computation of fluid turbulence, structural analysis of composite materials, terabyte data mining, image processing, and a multitude of others. This book consists of both invited and contributed articles which address many facets of efficient...
Many computionally challenging problems omnipresent in science and engineering exhibit multiscale phenomena so that the task of computing or even repr...
In Douglas Adams' book 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy', hyper-intelligent beings reached a point in their existence where they wanted to understand the purpose of their own existence and the universe. They built a supercomputer, called Deep Thought, and upon completion, they asked it for the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything else. The computer worked for several millennia on the answers to all these questions. When the day arrived for hyper-intelligent beings the to receive the answer, they were stunned, shocked and disappointed to hear that the answer...
In Douglas Adams' book 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy', hyper-intelligent beings reached a point in their existence where they wanted to understand...
This research monograph addresses recent developments of wavelet concepts in the context of large scale numerical simulation. It offers a systematic attempt to exploit the sophistication of wavelets as a numerical tool by adapting wavelet bases to the problem at hand. This includes both the construction of wavelets on fairly general domains and the adaptation of wavelet bases to the particular structure of function spaces governing certain variational problems. Those key features of wavelets that make them a powerful tool in numerical analysis and simulation are clearly pointed out. The...
This research monograph addresses recent developments of wavelet concepts in the context of large scale numerical simulation. It offers a systematic a...
Meshfree methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations are becoming more and more mainstream in many areas of applications. This volume represents the state-of-the-art in meshfree methods. It consists of articles which address the different meshfree techniques, their mathematical properties and their application in applied mathematics, physics and engineering.
Meshfree methods for the numerical solution of partial differential equations are becoming more and more mainstream in many areas of applications. ...