This volume contains 39 of the papers presented at the Sixth European Multigrid Conference, held in Gent, Belgium, September 27-30, 1999. The topics treated at the conference cover all aspects of Multigrid Methods: theory, analysis, computer implementation, applications in the fields of physics, chemistry, fluid mechanics, structural mechanics and magnetism.
This volume contains 39 of the papers presented at the Sixth European Multigrid Conference, held in Gent, Belgium, September 27-30, 1999. The topics t...
th This volume contains a selection of 41 refereed papers presented at the 18 International Conference of Domain Decomposition Methods hosted by the School of ComputerScience and Engineering(CSE) of the Hebrew Universityof Jerusalem, Israel, January 12-17, 2008. 1 Background of the Conference Series The International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods has been held in twelve countries throughout Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and North America, beginning in Paris in 1987. Originally held annually, it is now spaced at roughly 18-month intervals. A complete list of past meetings appears...
th This volume contains a selection of 41 refereed papers presented at the 18 International Conference of Domain Decomposition Methods hosted by the S...
This volume in the series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering presents a collection of papers presented at the International Workshop on FSI, held in October 2005 in Hohenwart and organized by DFG's Research Unit 493 "FSI: Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization." The papers address partitioned and monolithic coupling approaches, methodical issues and applications, and discuss FSI from the mathematical, informatics, and engineering points of view.
This volume in the series Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering presents a collection of papers presented at the International Wor...
treated in more detail. They are just specimen of larger classes of schemes. Es sentially, we have to distinguish between semi-analytical methods, discretiza tion methods, and lumped circuit models. The semi-analytical methods and the discretization methods start directly from Maxwell's equations. Semi-analytical methods are concentrated on the analytical level: They use a computer only to evaluate expressions and to solve resulting linear algebraic problems. The best known semi-analytical methods are the mode matching method, which is described in subsection 2. 1, the method of integral...
treated in more detail. They are just specimen of larger classes of schemes. Es sentially, we have to distinguish between semi-analytical methods, dis...
This volume contains a selection from the papers presented at the Fifth European Multigrid Conference, held in Stuttgart, October 1-4, 1996. There were 88 registered participants from 14 different countries worldwide, and 65 lectures were given. Earlier European Multigrid Conferences were held in Cologne in 1981 and 1985, in Bonn in 1990, and in Amsterdam in 1993. The next European Conference is planned in 1999 in Gent. The European Multigrid Conference '96 was organized by the Institut fUr Computer anwendungen (ICA) of Stuttgart University, in cooperation with the GAMM Com mittee for...
This volume contains a selection from the papers presented at the Fifth European Multigrid Conference, held in Stuttgart, October 1-4, 1996. There wer...
A collection of the papers from the proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Meshfree Methods, held in Bonn in August 2009. This title addresses the different meshfree methods and their use in applied mathematics, physics and engineering.
A collection of the papers from the proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Meshfree Methods, held in Bonn in August 2009. This title addre...
Contains selected papers from the lectures held at the BAIL 2010 Conference, which took place from July 5th to 9th, 2010 in Zaragoza (Spain). This title features the papers presenting advances in the modeling, analysis and construction of efficient numerical methods to solve boundary and interior layers appearing in singular perturbation problems.
Contains selected papers from the lectures held at the BAIL 2010 Conference, which took place from July 5th to 9th, 2010 in Zaragoza (Spain). This tit...
In the last few years there has been a growing interest in the development of numerical techniques appropriate for the approximation of differential model problems presenting multiscale solutions. This is the case, for instance, with functions displaying a smooth behavior, except in certain regions where sudden and sharp variations are localized. Typical examples are internal or boundary layers. When the number of degrees of freedom in the discretization process is not sufficient to ensure a fine resolution of the layers, some stabilization procedures are needed to avoid unpleasant...
In the last few years there has been a growing interest in the development of numerical techniques appropriate for the approximation of differential m...
The book concerns theoretical and numerical aspects of systems of conservation laws, which can be considered as a mathematical model for the flows of inviscid compressible fluids. Five leading specialists in this area give an overview of the recent results, which include: kinetic methods, non-classical shock waves, viscosity and relaxation methods, a-posteriori error estimates, numerical schemes of higher order on unstructured grids in 3-D, preconditioning and symmetrization of the Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. This book will prove to be very useful for scientists working in...
The book concerns theoretical and numerical aspects of systems of conservation laws, which can be considered as a mathematical model for the flows of ...
This volume will contain selected papers from the lectures held at the BAIL 2010 Conference, which took place from July 5th to 9th, 2010 in Zaragoza (Spain). The papers present significant advances in the modeling, analysis and construction of efficient numerical methods to solve boundary and interior layers appearing in singular perturbation problems. Special emphasis is put on the mathematical foundations of such methods and their application to physical models. Topics in scientific fields such as fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, semiconductor modeling, control theory, elasticity,...
This volume will contain selected papers from the lectures held at the BAIL 2010 Conference, which took place from July 5th to 9th, 2010 in Zaragoza (...