Artan Boriçi, Andreas Frommer, Bálint Joó, Anthony Kennedy, Brian Pendleton
The Third International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Lattice QCD tookplaceattheUniversityofEdinburgh fromJune30th toJuly4th,2003. It continued a sequence which started in 1995 at the University of Kentucky and continuedin1999withaworkshopattheUniversityofWuppertal.Theaimof these workshops is to bring together applied mathematicians and theoretical physicists to stimulate the exchange of ideas between leading experts in the ?elds of lattice QCD and numerical analysis. Indeed, the last ten years have seen quite a substantial increase in cooperation between the two scienti?c communities,...
The Third International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Lattice QCD tookplaceattheUniversityofEdinburgh fromJune30th toJuly4th,2003. It continued a...