Themonographisdevotedtothespectralmethodfordeterminationoffatigue life of machine elements and structures under multiaxial service loading. A detailed review of literature on spectral methods that includes: publications describing various relations between histories of loading and power spectral density functions, some methods of fatigue life determination under Ga- sian loading and under multiaxial service loading has been presented in the monograph. The monograph contains theoretical foundations of the spectral method for fatigue life determination. The authors have discussed a rule of...
Themonographisdevotedtothespectralmethodfordeterminationoffatigue life of machine elements and structures under multiaxial service loading. A detailed...
This many-faceted topic is a key factor in developing theories into real-world industrial applications. This volume, the edited outcome of the first International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics, ICCM 09, covers the state of the art in the field.
This many-faceted topic is a key factor in developing theories into real-world industrial applications. This volume, the edited outcome of the firs...
The mechanics of Coupled Fields is a discipline at the edge of modern research connecting Continuum Mechanics with Solid State Physics. This book fills many gaps in the theoretical literature which arise due to the complexity of the problem. A vast number of problems are considered so that the reader can get a clear quantitative and qualitative understanding of the phenomena taking place.
The mechanics of Coupled Fields is a discipline at the edge of modern research connecting Continuum Mechanics with Solid State Physics. This book f...
Containing eight state-of-the-art contributions on mathematical aspects and applications of fast boundary element methods in engineering and industry, this text covers issues which will be of interest to researchers, graduate students and practitioners working on and using boundary element methods.
Containing eight state-of-the-art contributions on mathematical aspects and applications of fast boundary element methods in engineering and industry,...
Mechanics, Models and Methods in Civil Engineering" collects leading papers dealing with actual Civil Engineering problems. The approach is in the line of the Italian-French school and therefore deeply couples mechanics and mathematics creating new predictive theories, enhancing clarity in understanding, and improving effectiveness in applications. The authors of the contributions collected here belong to the Lagrange Laboratory, an European Research Network active since many years. This book will be of a major interest for the reader aware of modern Civil Engineering.
Mechanics, Models and Methods in Civil Engineering" collects leading papers dealing with actual Civil Engineering problems. The approach is in the...
This book presents suitable methodologies for the dynamic analysis of multibody mechanical systems with joints. It contains studies and case studies of real and imperfect joints. The book is intended for researchers, engineers, and graduate students in applied and computational mechanics.
This book presents suitable methodologies for the dynamic analysis of multibody mechanical systems with joints. It contains studies and case studie...
Fracture mechanics is a vast and growing field. This book develops the basic elements needed for both fracture research and engineering practice. The emphasis is on continuum mechanics models for energy flows and crack-tip stress- and deformation fields in elastic and elastic-plastic materials. In addition to a brief discussion of computational fracture methods, the text includes practical sections on fracture criteria, fracture toughness testing, and methods for measuring stress intensity factors and energy release rates. Class-tested at Cornell, this book is designed for students,...
Fracture mechanics is a vast and growing field. This book develops the basic elements needed for both fracture research and engineering practice. T...
This volume on some recent aspects of finite element methods and their applications is dedicated to Ulrich Langer and Arnd Meyer on the occasion of their 60th birthdays in 2012. Their work combines the numerical analysis of finite element algorithms, their efficient implementation on state of the art hardware architectures, and the collaboration with engineers and practitioners. In this spirit, this volume contains contributions of former students and collaborators indicating the broad range of their interests in the theory and application of finite element methods.
Topics cover the...
This volume on some recent aspects of finite element methods and their applications is dedicated to Ulrich Langer and Arnd Meyer on the occasion of...
Phenomena occurring during a contact of two bodies are encountered in everyday life. In reality almost every type of motion is related to frictional contact between a moving body and a ground. Moreover, modeling of simple and more complex processes as nailing, cutting, vacuum pressing, movement of machines and their elements, rolling or, finally, a numerical simulation of car crash tests, requires taking contact into account. Therefore, its analysis has been a subject of many research efforts for a long time now. However, it is author's opinion that there are relatively few efforts related to...
Phenomena occurring during a contact of two bodies are encountered in everyday life. In reality almost every type of motion is related to frictional c...
Nonlinear Dynamics represents a wide interdisciplinary area of research dealing with a variety of "unusual" physical phenomena by means of nonlinear differential equations, discrete mappings, and related mathematical algorithms. However, with no real substitute for the linear superposition principle, the methods of Nonlinear Dynamics appeared to be very diverse, individual and technically complicated. This book makes an attempt to find a common ground for nonlinear dynamic analyses based on the existence of strongly nonlinear but quite simple counterparts to the linear models and tools. It is...
Nonlinear Dynamics represents a wide interdisciplinary area of research dealing with a variety of "unusual" physical phenomena by means of nonlinear d...