Contact mechanics is an active research area with deep theoretical and numerical roots. The links between nonsmooth analysis and optimization with mechanics have been investigated intensively during the last decades, especially in Europe. The study of complementarity problems, variational -, quasivariational- and hemivariational inequalities arising in contact mechanics and beyond is a hot topic for interdisciplinary research and cooperation. The needs of industry for robust solution algorithms suitable for large scale applications and the regular updates of the respective elements in major...
Contact mechanics is an active research area with deep theoretical and numerical roots. The links between nonsmooth analysis and optimization with mec...
This book discusses the introduction of isogeometric technology to the boundary element method (BEM) in order to establish an improved link between simulation and computer aided design (CAD) that does not require mesh generation. In the isogeometric BEM, non-uniform rational B-splines replace the Lagrange polynomials used in conventional BEM. This may seem a trivial exercise, but if implemented rigorously, it has profound implications for the programming, resulting in software that is extremely user friendly and efficient. The BEM is ideally suited for linking with CAD, as both rely on the...
This book discusses the introduction of isogeometric technology to the boundary element method (BEM) in order to establish an improved link between si...
This book provides a detailed instruction to virtually reproduce the processes of Additive Manufacturing on a computer. First, all mathematical equations needed to model these processes are presented. Due to their flexibility, meshfree methods represent optimal computational solution schemes to simulate Additive Manufacturing processes. On the other hand, these methods usually do not guarantee an accurate solution. For this reason, this monograph is dedicated in detail to the necessary criteria for computational solution schemes to provide accurate results. Several meshfree methods are...
This book provides a detailed instruction to virtually reproduce the processes of Additive Manufacturing on a computer. First, all mathematical equati...
This edited volume summarizes research being pursued within the DFG Priority Programme 1748: "Reliable Simulation Methods in Solid Mechanics. Development of non-standard discretisation methods, mechanical and mathematical analysis", the aim of which was to develop novel discretisation methods based e.g. on mixed finite element methods, isogeometric approaches as well as discontinuous Galerkin formulations, including a sound mathematical analysis for geometrically as well as physically nonlinear problems. The Priority Programme has established an international framework for mechanical and...
This edited volume summarizes research being pursued within the DFG Priority Programme 1748: "Reliable Simulation Methods in Solid Mechanics. Developm...
This book summarizes research being pursued within the Research Unit FOR 2089, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the goal of which is to develop the scientific base for a paradigm shift towards dimensioning, structural realization and maintenance of pavements, and prepare road infrastructure for future requirements. It provides a coupled thermo-mechanical model for a holistic physical analysis of the pavement-tire-vehicle system: based on this model, pavement structures and materials can be optimized so that new demands become compatible with the main goal – durability of...
This book summarizes research being pursued within the Research Unit FOR 2089, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the goal of which is...
This book describes the forcefields/interatomic potentials that are used in the atomistic-scale and molecular dynamics simulations. It covers mechanisms, salient features, formulations, important aspects and case studies of various forcefields utilized for characterizing various materials (such as nuclear materials and nanomaterials) and applications. This book gives many help to students and researchers who are studying the forcefield potentials and introduces various applications of atomistic-scale simulations to professors who are researching molecular dynamics.
This book describes the forcefields/interatomic potentials that are used in the atomistic-scale and molecular dynamics simulations. It covers mecha...
This edited volume summarizes research being pursued within the DFG Priority Programme 1748: "Reliable Simulation Methods in Solid Mechanics. Development of non-standard discretisation methods, mechanical and mathematical analysis", the aim of which was to develop novel discretisation methods based e.g. on mixed finite element methods, isogeometric approaches as well as discontinuous Galerkin formulations, including a sound mathematical analysis for geometrically as well as physically nonlinear problems. The Priority Programme has established an international framework for mechanical and...
This edited volume summarizes research being pursued within the DFG Priority Programme 1748: "Reliable Simulation Methods in Solid Mechanics. Developm...
This book describes the forcefields/interatomic potentials that are used in the atomistic-scale and molecular dynamics simulations. It covers mechanisms, salient features, formulations, important aspects and case studies of various forcefields utilized for characterizing various materials (such as nuclear materials and nanomaterials) and applications. This book gives many help to students and researchers who are studying the forcefield potentials and introduces various applications of atomistic-scale simulations to professors who are researching molecular dynamics.
This book describes the forcefields/interatomic potentials that are used in the atomistic-scale and molecular dynamics simulations. It covers mecha...
This book contains and summarizes research carried out within the DFG Priority Programme 1897: "Calm, Smooth and Smart - Novel Approaches for Influencing Vibrations by Means of Deliberately Introduced Dissipation". The contributions help reduce unwanted vibrations by developing novel approaches for influencing them and lead to a “calm, smooth and smart” behaviour of technical units. “Calm” represents the demand to avoid or at least to severely reduce unwanted noise generated by technical installations. “Smooth” ensures a still comfortable and jerk-free operation of them....
This book contains and summarizes research carried out within the DFG Priority Programme 1897: "Calm, Smooth and Smart - Novel Approaches for Influ...
This book provides an overview of direct methods, such as limit and shakedown analysis, which are intended for avoiding cumbersome step-by-step calculations to determine the limit states of mechanical structures under monotone, cyclic or variable actions with unknown loading history. The book comprises several contributions that demonstrate how tremendous advances in numerical methods, especially in optimization, have contributed to the success of direct methods and their applicability to practical engineering problems in structural mechanics and mechanics of materials. The contents...
This book provides an overview of direct methods, such as limit and shakedown analysis, which are intended for avoiding cumbersome step-by-step cal...