.."...The book is a very good balance between theory and applications, of analysis and synthesis, keeping always the focus on the comprehension of the physics ruling our planetary system.
In summary, this represents both an excellent textbook for students and a fundamental reference, and encyclopedic summary current knowledge, for researchers in the Solar System field." (Alessandro Rossi, Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2005)
From the reviews:
.."...The book is a very good balance between theory and applications, of analysis and synthesis, keeping always the focu...
If ever a major study of the history of science should have acted like a sudden revolution it is this book, published in two volumes in 1905 and 1906 under the title, Les origines de la statique. Paris, the place of publication, and the Librairie scientifique A. Hermann that brought it be enough of a guarantee to prevent a very different out, could seem to outcome. Without prompting anyone, for some years yet, to follow up the revolutionary vistas which it opened up, Les origines de la statique certainly revolutionized Duhem's remaining ten or so years. He became the single-handed discoverer...
If ever a major study of the history of science should have acted like a sudden revolution it is this book, published in two volumes in 1905 and 1906 ...
The aim of this book is to provide an account of the state of the art in Com- putational Kinematics. We understand here under this term, that branch of kinematics research involving intensive computations not only of the numer- ical type, but also of a symbolic nature. Research in kinematics over the last decade has been remarkably ori- ented towards the computational aspects of kinematics problems. In fact, this work has been prompted by the need to answer fundamental question- s such as the number of solutions, whether real or complex, that a given problem can admit. Problems of this kind...
The aim of this book is to provide an account of the state of the art in Com- putational Kinematics. We understand here under this term, that branch o...
In the sixth Logical Investigation, Husserl defines meaning, objectivity, and knowledge by appealing to "syntheses of fulfilment": each act of conscious- ness has a meaning-intention whereby it anticipates a range of fulfilling intuitions, whose ongoing synthesis would identify intended objects in the face of their changing appearances. Synthesis is essential to phenomenological description. But what does it mean to say that one experience is combined with others? This monograph is a speculative-exegetical Husserlian analysis of the ground, the mechanisms, and the results of synthesis....
In the sixth Logical Investigation, Husserl defines meaning, objectivity, and knowledge by appealing to "syntheses of fulfilment": each act of conscio...
The holding of the 8th Jerusalem Symposium was saddened by the sudden death of Professor Ernst D. Bergmann at the very eve of this meeting. With him disappeared one of the leading world scientists in the field of physical chemistry and biochemistry. His innumerable friends and admirers over the whole world mourn him profoundly. All those who knew him personally and among them the participants in the previous Jerusalem Symposia will remember for ever the exceptional qualities of the scientist and the unusual human warmth of the man. With Ernst D. Bergmann the state of Israel lost one of the...
The holding of the 8th Jerusalem Symposium was saddened by the sudden death of Professor Ernst D. Bergmann at the very eve of this meeting. With him d...
The fundamental principles of tephrochronology were de- veloped in Iceland through the classic research of Professor Sigurdur Thorarinsson in the 1940's and 1950's. By his studies on the volcanic ash layers (tephra) produced by the historic explosive eruptions of the volcano Hekla, he established that individual tephra layers could be correlated over large areas of Iceland. As the deposition of such layers was essentially instantaneous on a geological time-scale, the tephra layers provided a distinctive and widespread isochronous stratigraphic marker. Since Thorarinsson's pioneering work, the...
The fundamental principles of tephrochronology were de- veloped in Iceland through the classic research of Professor Sigurdur Thorarinsson in the 1940...
The prevailing view of scientific popularization, both within academic circles and beyond, affirms that its objectives and procedures are unrelated to tasks of cognitive development and that its pertinence is by and large restricted to the lay public. Consistent with this view, popularization is frequently portrayed as a logical and hence inescapable consequence of a culture dominated by science-based products and procedures and by a scientistic ideology. On another level, it is depicted as a quasi-political device for chan nelling the energies of the general public along predetermined paths;...
The prevailing view of scientific popularization, both within academic circles and beyond, affirms that its objectives and procedures are unrelated to...
In 1980. a distinguished group of scientists gathered In Washington. D. C. for an International Symposium on Aging and Cancer. Among the recommendations of this Symposium was to convene a future meeting to discuss the molecular basis for Interrelationships between aging and cancer when the appropriate scientific knowledge was available. That same year. the 13th Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry entitled .Carcl nogenesls: Fundamental Mechanisms and Environmental Effects.. was held. attended by some 50 International authorities In this field. At this meeting. It became...
In 1980. a distinguished group of scientists gathered In Washington. D. C. for an International Symposium on Aging and Cancer. Among the recommendatio...
The Twenty Fourth Jerusalem Symposium reflected the high standards of these distinguished scientific meetings, which convene once a year at the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Jerusalem to discuss a specific topic in the broad area of quantum chemistry and biochemistry. The topic at this year's Jerusalem Symposium was mode selective chemistry, which constitutes a truly interdisciplinary subject of central interest in the areas of chemical physics, photochemistry and photobiology. The main theme of the Symposium was built around the exploration of the possibility and conditions...
The Twenty Fourth Jerusalem Symposium reflected the high standards of these distinguished scientific meetings, which convene once a year at the Israel...