Gone are the days when the term diversity may have been used to solely signify the color of one's skin or gender. This volume examines how diverse and marginalized populations are situated within American community colleges amd pushes the boundaries of our understanding of these terms.
The editors and contributing authors examine various student groups as well as give voice to the marginalization felt by a group of faculty. Topics include:
Examining the concept of student marginalization through a framework based on Dewey's 1916 work, Democracy and...
Gone are the days when the term diversity may have been used to solely signify the color of one's skin or gender. This volume examines how d...
Since their inception, America's community colleges have undergone continuous change. They must, because their mission is to provide learning vital for those who face local as well as global transformations, and that requires vigilant, vigorous commitment.
This volume contains insights from men and women who have led the thinking and practice in these colleges to current historical heights. They were asked to forecast solutions to today's most critical problems as well as to identify opportunities that will likely engage tomorrow's community college leaders. In addition, a prevailing...
Since their inception, America's community colleges have undergone continuous change. They must, because their mission is to provide learning vital fo...
Are applied and workforce baccalaureate degrees offered by community colleges a natural extension of their mission to provide relevant educational programs to their constituents? Or is this emerging emphasis on offering baccalaureate degrees a radical deviation from the tried-and-true mission of comprehensive community colleges? In short, is this movement more evolutionary or revolutionary?
This issue does not take sides, but provides a deeper understanding of this movement from the perspectives of practitioners and scholars alike. The opportunities and challenges associated with...
Are applied and workforce baccalaureate degrees offered by community colleges a natural extension of their mission to provide relevant educational ...
The community college is poised to contribute beyond its own community to across the world. To do so--to advance the work for the betterment of students and communities--it must engage internationally while building capacity.
Recognizing the growing importance of educating students in a globalized world, this volume explores the community college in an international context. It addresses global ideals, values, competencies, and understanding in a local context and shows:
How individual community colleges have internationalized
How models and partnerships can...
The community college is poised to contribute beyond its own community to across the world. To do so--to advance the work for the betterment of stu...
Urban community colleges--and the cities they serve--are undergoing rapid, multidimensional changes in response to new conditions and demands. The challenge for all community colleges, regardless of size or location, is to reinvent themselves so they can better meet the particular needs of their respective communities. This national higher-education mandate is vital to democracy itself, especially given the multiracial nature of metropolitan areas, where challenges and opportunities have always been most pronounced.
This volume looks at how urban colleges are vigorously exploring...
Urban community colleges--and the cities they serve--are undergoing rapid, multidimensional changes in response to new conditions and demands. The ...
This volume provides practical ways colleges can focus on the College Completion Agenda. Originally begun as an economic workforce issue for the Obama administration, the College Completion Agenda has been adopted by myriad educational institutions, public and private funders, and others.
The identified -Big Goal- is to increase the proportion of Americans with high quality college degrees and credentials from 39% of the population to 60% by 2025. To date, much advice has been offered to colleges about what the issues are and what needs to be done. However, there is considerable...
This volume provides practical ways colleges can focus on the College Completion Agenda. Originally begun as an economic workforce issue for the Ob...
This volume profiles some of the innovative reforms community college practitioners are engaged in, focusing on supporting students through to graduation. While much has been written at the federal and state levels about the need to improve student completion rates, this volume translates that imperative into action at the campus level. It presents the practitiners' voices and experiences in:
Changing academic content
Student support services
And other critical components of community colleges.
Each chapter focuses on either a...
This volume profiles some of the innovative reforms community college practitioners are engaged in, focusing on supporting students through to graduat...
Looking to develop new dual enrollment programs or adapt and revamp an existing dual enrollment programs at a community college? This volume addresses the critical issues and topics of dual enrollment practices and policies, including:
state policies that regulate dual enrollment practice and the influence of state policy on local practice,
the usage of dual enrollment programs as a pathway for different populations of students such as career and technical education students and students historically underrepresented in higher education, and
Looking to develop new dual enrollment programs or adapt and revamp an existing dual enrollment programs at a community college? This volume addresses...
This is the 179th volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly report series. Essential to the professional libraries of presidents, vice presidents, deans, and other leaders in today's open-door institutions, New Directions for Community Colleges provides expert guidance in meeting the challenges of their distinctive and expanding educational mission.
This is the 179th volume of this Jossey-Bass quarterly report series. Essential to the professional libraries of presidents, vice presidents, deans, a...