The origins of turbulent flow and the transition from laminar to turbulent flow are among the most important unsolved problems of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics. Besides being a fundamental question of fluid mechanics, there are many practical applications for information regarding transition location and the details of the subsequent turbulent flow. This proceedings volume contains the papers of two keynote lectures as well as of 104 technical presentations and posters that were presented at the IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition in Sedona, Arizona, September 13-17, 1999....
The origins of turbulent flow and the transition from laminar to turbulent flow are among the most important unsolved problems of fluid mechanics and ...
Die Forschungsintensitat auf dem Gebiet schallnaher Stromungen hat bereits vor einigen Jahren ihren Gipfel iiberschritten, obwohl ganz wesentliche Fragen noch ungeklal't sind und das praktische Interesse an der Klarung solcher Fragen mit Riicksicht auf die zivile und mili- tarische Luftfahrt weiter anwachsen sollte. Aber ahnlich wie auf anderen Gebieten der Stromungslehre, beispielsweise auf jenem der Turbulenz, hat man inzwischen auch bei schallnahel' Stromung gelernt, fiir den praktischen Gebrauch einigermaBen zurechtzukommen. Damit ist ein Nachlassen der Unterstiitzungsbereitschaft der...
Die Forschungsintensitat auf dem Gebiet schallnaher Stromungen hat bereits vor einigen Jahren ihren Gipfel iiberschritten, obwohl ganz wesentliche Fra...
This volume contains the written texts of the papers presented at a Symposium on Buckling of Structures held at Harvard University in June 1974. This symposium, one of several on various topics sponsored annually by the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Me chanics (IUTAM), was organized by a Scientific Committee consisting of B. Budiansky (Chairman), A. H. Chilver, W. T. Koiter, and A. S. Vol' mir. Participation was by invitation of the Scientific Committee, and specific lecturers were invited to speak in the areas of experimental research, buckling and post-buckling...
This volume contains the written texts of the papers presented at a Symposium on Buckling of Structures held at Harvard University in June 1974. This ...
The origins of turbulent flow and the transition from laminar to turbulent flow are among the most important unsolved problems of fluid mechanics and aerodynamics. Besides being a fundamental question of fluid mechanics, there are many practical applications for information regarding transition location and the details of the subsequent turbulent flow. This proceedings volume contains the papers of two keynote lectures as well as of 104 technical presentations and posters that were presented at the IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition in Sedona, Arizona, September 13-17, 1999....
The origins of turbulent flow and the transition from laminar to turbulent flow are among the most important unsolved problems of fluid mechanics and ...
Der BeschluB des Generalrats der Internationalen Union fill Theo retische und Angewandte Mechanik (IUTAM), ein Symposium tiber Grenzschichtforschung vorzubereiten, war von dem Wunsch getragen, Wissenschaftlern aus aller Welt, die in eigenen Arbeiten zu den neueren Fortschritten auf diesem wichtigen Gebiet der Stromungsmechanik wesentlich beigetragen haben, zu grtindlichen Diskussionen Gelegenheit zu geben. Die grundsatzlichen Probleme der Grenzschichtforschung soUten bei der Aussprache im V ordergrund stehen, die technischen An wendungen muBten im Hintergrund bleiben. Da eine echte Diskussion...
Der BeschluB des Generalrats der Internationalen Union fill Theo retische und Angewandte Mechanik (IUTAM), ein Symposium tiber Grenzschichtforschung v...
Substantial progress has been made in the field of fluid mechanics under compensated gravity effects (microgravity). The main task of this disciplinehas evolved tremendously. Starting out with the aim of providing assistance in describing flow problems in other microgravity sciences, microgravityfluid mechanics has itself now become acknowledge as a powerful means of research. The IUTAM Symposium on Microgravity Fluid Mechanics has pro- vided the long-awaited forum for scientists from 15 coun- tries to discuss and concretize the "state-of-the-art" in this discipline. The main themes treated...
Substantial progress has been made in the field of fluid mechanics under compensated gravity effects (microgravity). The main task of this disciplineh...
Polymer composites were introduced for the aerospace industry as light, strong, stiff materials, and adopted by the construction and automobile industries, among others. Meanwhile, composite materials have been introduced to fulfill the uses that these conventional materials could not, such as in extreme environments. The research for new composites includes not only new polymer systems, but metals, ceramics and intermetallic systems as well. This volume contains a selection of recent work by leading researchers in micromechanics on the topics of prediction of overall properties of elastic,...
Polymer composites were introduced for the aerospace industry as light, strong, stiff materials, and adopted by the construction and automobile indust...
For a long period Soil Mechanics has remained at the semi-empirica stage, and only a few decades ago it has shown a tendency to become a fundamental science. However, this evolution is taking place slowly; in spite of the efforts of numerous research scientists, the very complex rheological laws of soils are still not well known. Even if these laws were elucidated, it would take a long time still to deduce simple rules from them for reliable and convenient use in current practical engineer ing. In the pursuit of these distant aims - and of others more imme diate - fundamental research and...
For a long period Soil Mechanics has remained at the semi-empirica stage, and only a few decades ago it has shown a tendency to become a fundamental s...
This volume includes original papers presented at the 4th Symposium on Satellite Dynamics held at the XII Annual Plenary Meeting of COSPAR. At a time where it might be thought that very few problems were left un solved in celestial mechanics, we discover that new and more challenging questions must be answered. The pre cision of observations reaches the centimeter level and physical phenomena which had been disregarded come into play. We need a better treatment of atmospheric drag, radiation forces, and a better knowledge of the earth's gravitational field. Time has to be precisely defined as...
This volume includes original papers presented at the 4th Symposium on Satellite Dynamics held at the XII Annual Plenary Meeting of COSPAR. At a time ...
In recent years there has been an unmistakable tendency for research in the fields of hydraulics and fluid mechanics to involve ever more sophisticated study of increasingly detailed aspects of problems, while in the process becoming further and further detached from the reali- ties faced by practising engineers. At the same time, too many hy- draulic engineers have continued to conduct model studies with the goal of obtaining ad-hoc solutions for specific problems, while direct- ing little if any of their attention toward elucidation of the underlying mechanics and toward generalization of...
In recent years there has been an unmistakable tendency for research in the fields of hydraulics and fluid mechanics to involve ever more sophisticate...