Die Peristaltik zahlt zu dem jUngsten Zweig des Gesamtkomplexes der Durch stromung physiologischer GefaBe. Sowohl in der Biomechanik als auch in der Physiologie sind diesbezUglich umfangreiche Untersuchungen innerhalb der letzten fUnfzehn Jahre durchgefUhrt worden. Insbesondere wurde versucht, eine peristaltische Stromung im Experiment und als mathematisch- physika lisches Modell nachzubilden. Speziell in letzter Zeit sind umfangreiche experimentelle und zahlreiche theoretische Arbeiten veroffentlicht worden, wobei es auBerst schwierig und aufwendig ist, das Problem in voller All gemeinheit...
Die Peristaltik zahlt zu dem jUngsten Zweig des Gesamtkomplexes der Durch stromung physiologischer GefaBe. Sowohl in der Biomechanik als auch in der P...
Substantial progress has been made in the field of fluid mechanics under compensated gravity effects (microgravity). The main task of this disciplinehas evolved tremendously. Starting out with the aim of providing assistance in describing flow problems in other microgravity sciences, microgravityfluid mechanics has itself now become acknowledge as a powerful means of research. The IUTAM Symposium on Microgravity Fluid Mechanics has pro- vided the long-awaited forum for scientists from 15 coun- tries to discuss and concretize the "state-of-the-art" in this discipline. The main themes treated...
Substantial progress has been made in the field of fluid mechanics under compensated gravity effects (microgravity). The main task of this disciplineh...
The papers in this volume are mostly in the area of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Furthermore, to some extend this volume contains also contributions from the field of new experimental methods and diagnostics applied to fluid dynamics, combustions and turbomachinery. The contributed papers cover diverse topics such as pipe flows, shock tube flows, compressor flows as well as velocity and turbulence measurements of flow conditioners. There is also a survey article on recent flow computations on high performance computers. Articles are also devoted to liquid-liquid systems, rotating fluid...
The papers in this volume are mostly in the area of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Furthermore, to some extend this volume contains also contribu...