Aims to examine immune-to-brain communication from the viewpoint of its effect on pain processing. Suitable for basic scientists and health care providers, this book contains chapters that focus on understanding how cytokines modulate pain.
Aims to examine immune-to-brain communication from the viewpoint of its effect on pain processing. Suitable for basic scientists and health care provi...
Since the early 1960s, the mathematical theory of variational inequalities has been under rapid development, based on complex analysis and strongly influenced by 'real-life' application. Many, but of course not all, moving free (Le., a priori un- known) boundary problems originating from engineering and economic applica- tions can directly, or after a transformation, be formulated as variational inequal- ities. In this work we investigate an evolutionary variational inequality with a memory term which is, as a fixed domain formulation, the result of the application of such a transformation to...
Since the early 1960s, the mathematical theory of variational inequalities has been under rapid development, based on complex analysis and strongly in...
Hyperbolic partial differential equations describe phenomena of material or wave transport in physics, biology and engineering, especially in the field of fluid mechanics. The mathematical theory of hyperbolic equations has recently made considerable progress. Accurate and efficient numerical schemes for computation have been and are being further developed. This two-volume set of conference proceedings contains about 100 refereed and carefully selected papers. The books are intended for researchers and graduate students in mathematics, science and engineering interested in the most...
Hyperbolic partial differential equations describe phenomena of material or wave transport in physics, biology and engineering, especially in the f...
Hyperbolic partial differential equations describe phenomena of material or wave transport in physics, biology and engineering, especially in the field of fluid mechanics. The mathematical theory of hyperbolic equations has made considerable progress. This set of conference proceedings contains about 100 refereed and selected papers.
Hyperbolic partial differential equations describe phenomena of material or wave transport in physics, biology and engineering, especially in the fiel...
This monograph considers problems of optimal control for partial differential equa tions of elliptic and, more importantly, of hyperbolic types on networked domains. The main goal is to describe, develop and analyze iterative space and time domain decompositions of such problems on the infinite-dimensional level. While domain decomposition methods have a long history dating back well over one hundred years, it is only during the last decade that they have become a major tool in numerical analysis of partial differential equations. A keyword in this context is parallelism. This development is...
This monograph considers problems of optimal control for partial differential equa tions of elliptic and, more importantly, of hyperbolic types on net...
This book offers a detailed asymptotic analysis of some important classes of singularly perturbed boundary value problems which are mathematical models for phenomena in biology, chemistry, and engineering. The authors are particularly interested in nonlinear problems, which have gone little-examined so far in literature dedicated to singular perturbations. The treatment presented here combines successful results from functional analysis, singular perturbation theory, partial differential equations, and evolution equations.
This book offers a detailed asymptotic analysis of some important classes of singularly perturbed boundary value problems which are mathematical mo...
Thismonographisintendedasasimpleintroductiontotheso-calledLULU-theory and the practical use of LULU-smoothers leading up to a full Multiresolution Analysis of any ?nite sequence. The attempt has been to present the subject in a way that is retrospectively ordered to some extent, but preserves some of the twisted paths that intuition initially suggested. It is based on the few publications in the subject, some already submitted and lectures given at conferences and on invitation at public and private institutions. The ideas originated more than ?fteen years ago when the author was - volved in...
Thismonographisintendedasasimpleintroductiontotheso-calledLULU-theory and the practical use of LULU-smoothers leading up to a full Multiresolution Ana...
Inequalities continue to play an essential role in mathematics. Perhaps, they form the last field comprehended and used by mathematicians in all areas of the discipline. Since the seminal work Inequalities (1934) by Hardy, Littlewood and Polya, mathematicians have laboured to extend and sharpen their classical inequalities. New inequalities are discovered every year, some for their intrinsic interest whilst others flow from results obtained in various branches of mathematics. The study of inequalities reflects the many and various aspects of mathematics. On one hand, there is the...
Inequalities continue to play an essential role in mathematics. Perhaps, they form the last field comprehended and used by mathematicians in all ar...
The articles contained in this volume are related to presentations at the inter- tional Conference on Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of Partial Di?erential Equations, held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach from March, 2 to 8, 2008. The contributions by internationally well-known scientists in the ?eld of Applied Mathematics cover various topics as controllability, feedba- control, optimalitysystems, model-reductiontechniques, analysisandoptimalc- trol of ?ow problems and ?uid-structure interactions, as well as problems of shape and topology optimization. The...
The articles contained in this volume are related to presentations at the inter- tional Conference on Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of Partial Di...
The Eighth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems - Theory, Nu merics, Applications, was held in Magdeburg, Germany, from February 27 to March 3, 2000. It was attended by over 220 participants from many European countries as well as Brazil, Canada, China, Georgia, India, Israel, Japan, Taiwan, und the USA. There were 12 plenary lectures, 22 further invited talks, and around 150 con tributed talks in parallel sessions as well as posters. The speakers in the parallel sessions were invited to provide a poster in order to enhance the dissemination of information. Hyperbolic partial...
The Eighth International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems - Theory, Nu merics, Applications, was held in Magdeburg, Germany, from February 27 to Marc...