This collection of papers provides an indication of latter 1990s developments and challenges facing scientists and engineers in understanding the causes and alleviating the effects of induced seismicity.
This collection of papers provides an indication of latter 1990s developments and challenges facing scientists and engineers in understanding the caus...
The current form of modern approximation theory is shaped by many new de- velopments which are the subject of this series of conferences. The International Meetings on Approximation Theory attempt to keep track in particular of fun- damental advances in the theory of function approximation, for example by (or- thogonal) polynomials, (weighted) interpolation, multivariate quasi-interpolation, splines, radial basis functions and several others. This includes both approxima- tion order and error estimates, as well as constructions of function systems for approximation of functions on Euclidean...
The current form of modern approximation theory is shaped by many new de- velopments which are the subject of this series of conferences. The Internat...
Epitaxy is a very active area of theoretical research since several years. It is experimentally well-explored and technologically relevant for thin film growth. Recently powerful numerical techniques in combination with a deep understanding of the physical and chemical phenomena during the growth process offer the possibility to link atomistic effects at the surface to the macroscopic morphology of the film. The goal of this book is to summarize recent developments in this field, with emphasis on multiscale approaches and numerical methods. It covers atomistic, step-flow, and continuum...
Epitaxy is a very active area of theoretical research since several years. It is experimentally well-explored and technologically relevant for thin...
The international Conference on Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of Partial Di?erential Equations was held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Ob- wolfach ( from April, 17 to 23, 2005. The scienti?c program included 30 talks coveringvarious topics as controllability,feedback-control,optimality s- tems, model-reduction techniques, analysis and optimal control of ?ow problems and ?uid-structure interactions, as well as problems of shape and topology op- mization. The applications discussed during the conference range from the op- mization and control of quantum mechanical...
The international Conference on Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of Partial Di?erential Equations was held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut ...
The workshop on Applications and Computation of Orthogonal Polynomials took place March 22-28, 1998 at the Oberwolfach Mathematical Research Institute. It was the first workshop on this topic ever held at Oberwolfach. There were 46 participants from 13 countries, more than half coming from Germany and the United States, and a substantial number from Italy. A total of 23 plenary lectures were presented and 4 short informal talks. Open problems were discussed during an evening session. This volume contains refereed versions of 18 papers presented at, or submitted to, the conference. The theory...
The workshop on Applications and Computation of Orthogonal Polynomials took place March 22-28, 1998 at the Oberwolfach Mathematical Research Institute...
Inequalities continue to play an essential role in mathematics. The subject is per haps the last field that is comprehended and used by mathematicians working in all the areas of the discipline of mathematics. Since the seminal work Inequalities (1934) of Hardy, Littlewood and P6lya mathematicians have laboured to extend and sharpen the earlier classical inequalities. New inequalities are discovered ev ery year, some for their intrinsic interest whilst others flow from results obtained in various branches of mathematics. So extensive are these developments that a new mathematical periodical...
Inequalities continue to play an essential role in mathematics. The subject is per haps the last field that is comprehended and used by mathematicians...
Infinite dimensional manifolds, Lie groups and algebras arise naturally in many areas of mathematics and physics. Having been used mainly as a tool for the study of finite dimensional objects, the emphasis has changed and they are now frequently studied for their own independent interest. On the one hand this is a collection of closely related articles on infinite dimensional Kahler manifolds and associated group actions which grew out of a DMV-Seminar on the same subject. On the other hand it covers significantly more ground than was possible during the seminar in Oberwolfach and is in a...
Infinite dimensional manifolds, Lie groups and algebras arise naturally in many areas of mathematics and physics. Having been used mainly as a tool fo...
Earthquakes in shallow subduction zones account for the greatest part of seismic energy release in the Earth and often cause significant damage; in some cases they are accompanied by devastating tsunamis. Understanding the physics of seismogenic and tsunamigenic processes in such zones continues to be a challenging focus of ongoing research. The seismologic and geodetic work reported in this volume highlights the recent advances made toward quantifying and understanding the role of shallow plate coupling in the earthquake generation process. The relation between regional seismotectonics,...
Earthquakes in shallow subduction zones account for the greatest part of seismic energy release in the Earth and often cause significant damage; in so...
It seems doubtful whether we can expect to understand fully the instability of fluid flow without obtaining a mathematical representa tion of the motion of a fluid in some particular case in which instability can actually be ob served, so that a detailed comparison can be made between the results of analysis and those of experiment. - G.l. Taylor (1923) Though the equations of fluid dynamics are quite complicated, there are configurations which allow simple flow patterns as stationary solutions (e.g. flows between parallel plates or between rotating cylinders). These flow patterns can be...
It seems doubtful whether we can expect to understand fully the instability of fluid flow without obtaining a mathematical representa tion of the moti...