Karl Kunisch Ga1/4nter Leugering Ja1/4rgen Sprekels
The articles contained in this volume are related to presentations at the inter- tional Conference on Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of Partial Di?erential Equations, held at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach from March, 2 to 8, 2008. The contributions by internationally well-known scientists in the ?eld of Applied Mathematics cover various topics as controllability, feedba- control, optimalitysystems, model-reductiontechniques, analysisandoptimalc- trol of ?ow problems and ?uid-structure interactions, as well as problems of shape and topology optimization. The...
The articles contained in this volume are related to presentations at the inter- tional Conference on Optimal Control of Coupled Systems of Partial Di...