The Fourth International Symposium on Multivariate Approximation Theory was held at the Oberwolfach Mathematical Research Insti- tute, Black Forest, W.-Germany, during the week of January 20 - 26, 1985. The preceding conferences on this topic were held in 1976, 1979, and 1982 * . We were pleased to have more than 50 mathematicians from 13 countries in attendance. The program in- cluded 40 lectures. These Proceedings form a record of most of the papers presented at the Symposium. The topics treated cover different problems on multivariate approximation such as polynomial approximation on...
The Fourth International Symposium on Multivariate Approximation Theory was held at the Oberwolfach Mathematical Research Insti- tute, Black Forest, W...
This special volume focuses on optimization and control of processes governed by partial differential equations. The contributors are mostly participants of the DFG-priority program 1253: Optimization with PDE-constraints which is active since 2006. The book is organized in sections which cover almost the entire spectrum of modern research in this emerging field. Indeed, even though the field of optimal control and optimization for PDE-constrained problems has undergone a dramatic increase of interest during the last four decades, a full theory for nonlinear problems is still lacking. The...
This special volume focuses on optimization and control of processes governed by partial differential equations. The contributors are mostly participa...
Hybridsysteme entstanden aus dem Bemuhen, die Vorteile analoger und digitaler Rechensysteme zu verbinden. In der Praxis wird dieses Ziel nur teilweise erreicht, insbesondere auf grund der bisher nur recht beschrankten Automatisierbarkeit des Hybridrechenbetriebs. Es ist ein Ziel dieses Buches aufzuzeigen, wie sich durch geeig nete hardware (automatie patchboard und hybride Rechenkomponenten) und ent sprechende Hybridprogrammiersysteme der Hybridrechenbetrieb in ahnlicher Weise automatisieren lasst wie es beim Digitalrechner moglich und ublich ist. Unter dieser Voraussetzung ist die hybride...
Hybridsysteme entstanden aus dem Bemuhen, die Vorteile analoger und digitaler Rechensysteme zu verbinden. In der Praxis wird dieses Ziel nur teilweise...
Auf dieser von 52 Personen aus 9 Landern besuchten Tagung uber die numeri sche Behatldlung von Differentialgleichungen wurde wieder die Anwendungs bezogenheit des Gebietes deutlich. Im Mittelpunkt standen eine Reihe von Vortragen uber Diskretisierungsmethoden und Differenzenverfahren. Weitere Themen waren finite Elemente, Eigenwertprobleme und die numerische Be handlung von Stiff-Equations. In allen Vortragen konnte uber bemerkenswerte Fortschritte berichtet werden. Dennoch blieben viele Fragen offen. Grosses Interesse fanden auch Vortrage aus verschiedenen Anwendungsbereichen der Mathematik,...
Auf dieser von 52 Personen aus 9 Landern besuchten Tagung uber die numeri sche Behatldlung von Differentialgleichungen wurde wieder die Anwendungs bez...
The "International Workshop on Multivariate Approximation and Interpolation" was held at the University of Duisburg, Germany, during August 14-18, 1989. It was the second workshop in aseries which started in 1986 at the University of Chile in Santiago with a previous conference on a similar subject (cf. Topics in Multivariate Approximation, C.K. Chui et al. (Eds.), Academic Press, New York, 1987). The conference was organized by an international organizing committee consisting of Charles Chui (USA), Werner Haussmann (Germany), Kurt Jetter (Germany), Larry Schumaker (USA), and Florencio...
The "International Workshop on Multivariate Approximation and Interpolation" was held at the University of Duisburg, Germany, during August 14-18, 198...
Numerical simulation and modelling of electric circuits and semiconductor devices are of primal interest in today's high technology industries. At the Oberwolfach Conference more than forty scientists from around the world, in- cluding applied mathematicians and electrical engineers from industry and universities, presented new results in this area of growing importance. The contributions to this conference are presented in these proceedings. They include contributions on special topics of current interest in circuit and device simulation, as well as contributions that present an overview of...
Numerical simulation and modelling of electric circuits and semiconductor devices are of primal interest in today's high technology industries. At the...
About 80 participants from 16 countries attended the Conference on Numerical Methods for Free Boundary Problems, held at the University of Jyviiskylii, Finland, July 23-27, 1990. The main purpose of this conference was to provide up-to-date information on important directions of research in the field of free boundary problems and their numerical solutions. The contributions contained in this volume cover the lectures given in the conference. The invited lectures were given by H.W. Alt, V. Barbu, K-H. Hoffmann, H. Mittelmann and V. Rivkind. In his lecture H.W. Alt considered a mathematical...
About 80 participants from 16 countries attended the Conference on Numerical Methods for Free Boundary Problems, held at the University of Jyviiskylii...
Im Oktober 1960 veranstaltete das Rheinisch-Westfalische Institut fur Instrumen- telle Mathematik gemeinsam mit dem Institut fur Angewandte Mathematik der Universitat Bonn ein Colloquium uber die Theorie der Schaltkreise (combinational circuits) und Schaltwerke (sequential circuits). Mit dieser Publikation werden Auszuge und teilweise uberarbeitete Vortrage vorgelegt. Im Gegensatz zum Ausland (insbesondere den U.S.A.) hat dieses junge Teil- gebiet der Angewandten Mathematik in Deutschland bisher verhaltnismassig wenig Aufmerksamkeit gefunden, wenn man die Zahl der deutschsprachigen...
Im Oktober 1960 veranstaltete das Rheinisch-Westfalische Institut fur Instrumen- telle Mathematik gemeinsam mit dem Institut fur Angewandte Mathematik...