The metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) was invented in 1960. The processing technology required for suc- cessful high volume fabrication became available in 1968. The use of doped polycrystalline silicon as the gate electrode, instead of aluminum or some other metal, resulted in substantial enhancement in performance. Efforts to improve the properties of MOS devices produced new structures such as: CMOS, MNOS, SOS, VMOS, DMOS, FAMOS, etc. In recent years a great deal of work has been done to study the fabrication and properties of MOSFET's. There are two reasons for...
The metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) was invented in 1960. The processing technology required for suc- cessful high volume f...
Parent-Child Separation: Psychosocial Effects on Development is an abstracted bibliography dealing with the consequences of parental separation and deprivation on the developing child and adolescent. We were interested in investigating the literature pertaining to the absence of a parent for reasons other than parental death. Main topics included were maternal or paternal absence due to desertion, military duty, imprisonment, parental institutionalization and divorce. Restricted parenting articles were included when they dealt with maternal or paternal inattention, rather than physical abuse....
Parent-Child Separation: Psychosocial Effects on Development is an abstracted bibliography dealing with the consequences of parental separation and de...
The Bereaved Child: Analysis, Education, and Treatment. An ab- stracted bibliography is a comprehensive abstracted bibliography focusing on the reactions and coping mechanisms of children and adolescents to the death of parents, siblings, friends, teachers, pets or even presidents. Publication dealing with both normative and pathological stages of bereavement are reviewed. Materials covering childhood concepts/attitudes toward death are included. Citations appear which explore child death education/counseling issues for parents and educators when they involve actual or antic- ipated death....
The Bereaved Child: Analysis, Education, and Treatment. An ab- stracted bibliography is a comprehensive abstracted bibliography focusing on the reacti...
As we enter mid-19Bl, the Reagan administration is completing a review of U. s. nuclear waste management policy. Major revisions in the recently announced Carter administration policies are expected. Reagan is a strong supporter of civilian nuclear power and will probably encourage spent fuel reprocessing by the private sector. Meanwhile, the deep geologic disposal of defense nuclear waste in New Mexico moves ahead. In the coming months, discussion and debate of U. S. radioactive waste management policies will intensify in the Congress, in the technical community, and among environ-...
As we enter mid-19Bl, the Reagan administration is completing a review of U. s. nuclear waste management policy. Major revisions in the recently annou...
In the comparatively short amount of time since the publi- cation of the first edition of this handbook in 1969, the authors continued to work on the collection and treatment of data on oxide properties that have appeared in the literature. The numerous responses that we have received during this time have given in- disputable evidence of the value of such a reference book to scientists, production engineers, and instructors, and these com- ments have also provided grounds for publishing a new edition of this book. In preparing the second edition, the authors reviewed crit- ically the...
In the comparatively short amount of time since the publi- cation of the first edition of this handbook in 1969, the authors continued to work on the ...
Professor Pol Duwez of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA, developed a method in 1960 to solidify metallic melts at cooling rates exceeding about 105 K/sec. It was shown that under these non-equilibrium conditions it was possible to obtain supersaturated solid solutions, metastable crystalline inter- mediate phases and even amorphous phases under appropriate quench- ing conditions and for suitable alloy compositions. Subsequently, several other techniques have also been developed to achieve these non-equilibrium effects. A common feature of all these rapid quench- ing...
Professor Pol Duwez of the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA, developed a method in 1960 to solidify metallic melts at cooling rates e...