This textbook originates from a lecture course in laser physics at the Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). A main goal in the conception of this textbook was to describe the fundamentals of lasers in a uniform and especially lab-oriented notation and formulation as well as many currently well-known laser types, becoming more and more important in the future. It closes a gap between the measureable spectroscopic quantities and the whole theoretical description and modeling. This textbook contains not only the fundamentals and the context...
This textbook originates from a lecture course in laser physics at the Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Techn...
This volume provides canonical knowledge in atomic physics together with the basics of modern spectroscopy. Starting from the fundamentals of quantum physics, it teaches readers the most important phenomena, models and measuring techniques.
This volume provides canonical knowledge in atomic physics together with the basics of modern spectroscopy. Starting from the fundamentals of quantum ...
This book presents the basics of quantum information, e.g., foundation of quantum theory, quantum algorithms, quantum entanglement, quantum entropies, quantum coding, quantum error correction and quantum cryptography. As important quantum protocols, this book contains quantum teleportation, quantum dense coding, quantum data compression.
This book presents the basics of quantum information, e.g., foundation of quantum theory, quantum algorithms, quantum entanglement, quantum entropies,...
This textbook explains the experimental basics, effects and theory of nuclear physics. It supports learning and teaching with numerous worked examples, questions and problems with answers. Numerous tables and diagrams help to better understand the explanations. A better feeling to the subject of the book is given with sketches about the historical development of nuclear physics. The main topics of this book include the phenomena associated with passage of charged particles and radiation through matter which are related to nuclear resonance fluorescence and the Moessbauer effect., Gamov's...
This textbook explains the experimental basics, effects and theory of nuclear physics. It supports learning and teaching with numerous worked examples...
This book on particle physics supports learning and teaching with worked examples, questions and problems with answers. In addition, tables and diagrams help readers better understand the explanations.
This book on particle physics supports learning and teaching with worked examples, questions and problems with answers. In addition, tables and diagra...
This text presents a self-contained treatment of the physics of many-body systems from the point of view of condensed matter. The approach, quite traditionally, uses the mathematical formalism of quasiparticles and Green's functions. In particular, it covers all the important diagram techniques for normal and superconducting systems, including the zero-temperature perturbation theory and the Matsubara, Keldysh and Nambu-Gor'kov formalism, as well as an introduction to Feynman path integrals.
This new edition contains an introduction to the methods of theory of one-dimensional systems...
This text presents a self-contained treatment of the physics of many-body systems from the point of view of condensed matter. The approach, quite t...
This textbook takes the reader on a tour of the most important landmarks of theoretical physics: classical, quantum, and statistical mechanics, relativity, electrodynamics, as well as the most modern and exciting of all: elementary particles and the physics of fractals.
This textbook takes the reader on a tour of the most important landmarks of theoretical physics: classical, quantum, and statistical mechanics, relati...
This well-known introductory textbook gives a uniform presentation of nuclear and particle physics from an experimental point of view.
The first part, Analysis, is devoted to disentangling the substructure of matter. This part shows that experiments designed to uncover the substructures of nuclei and nucleons have a similar conceptual basis, and lead to the present picture of all matter being constructed from a small number of elementary building blocks and a small number of fundamental interactions.
The second part, Synthesis, shows how the elementary particles may be combined to...
This well-known introductory textbook gives a uniform presentation of nuclear and particle physics from an experimental point of view.
This book provides a theoretical, step-by-step comprehensive explanation of superconductivity for undergraduate and graduate students who have completed elementary courses on thermodynamics and quantum mechanics. To this end, it adopts the unique approach of starting with the statistical mechanics of quantum ideal gases and successively adding and clarifying elements and techniques indispensible for understanding it. They include the spin-statistics theorem, second quantization, density matrices, the Bloch-De Dominicis theorem, the variational principle in statistical mechanics, attractive...
This book provides a theoretical, step-by-step comprehensive explanation of superconductivity for undergraduate and graduate students who have complet...