This text is written especially for sport management students to examine the wider social and cultural environment and to fully explain the key issues and practical implications for everyday sport management.
This text is written especially for sport management students to examine the wider social and cultural environment and to fully explain the key issues...
Drawing on real-world case-studies of elite sport around the world, this book shows a conceptual framework for studying and analysing high performance sport and introduces the skills and techniques that managers and administrators will need to develop effective HPS programmes.
Drawing on real-world case-studies of elite sport around the world, this book shows a conceptual framework for studying and analysing high performance...
Governance has become a hugely important issue within sport. Issues of corruption and 'bad governance' have become synonymous with some aspects of sport and closer scrutiny than ever before is being applied to ensure organisations are following international best practice in respect to how they are governed. As sport organisations are required to become more professional and to adopt a more transparent and accountable approach to their operations, it has become important for all students, researchers and professionals working in sport to understand what good governance is and how it should...
Governance has become a hugely important issue within sport. Issues of corruption and 'bad governance' have become synonymous with some aspects of ...
What makes a sport enterprise successful? How can managers working in sport improve organizational effectiveness through strategic behaviour management? This comprehensive and accessible textbook addresses these important questions and examines the theories that underpin organizational analysis in sport. Helping both students and practitioners to understand the different types of behaviour that occur within a sports enterprise, it also demonstrates how to develop ways of managing behaviour more effectively for the benefit of all stakeholders.
The book explores behaviour on...
What makes a sport enterprise successful? How can managers working in sport improve organizational effectiveness through strategic behaviour manage...
As the role of sport in society becomes ever more prominent and as sports organisations become increasingly influential members of the global community, so it has become more important than ever for sport to consider its wider social responsibilities. This book offers a comprehensive survey of theories and concepts of CSR as applied to sport, and the social, ethical and environmental aspects of sport business and management.
As the role of sport in society becomes ever more prominent and as sports organisations become increasingly influential members of the global communit...
Sport is both a complex international business and a mass participatory practice run by volunteers. Now in a fully revised and expanded second edition, this comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of sport management helps explain the commercial environment that shapes sport at all levels, from elite to local, and gives clear and sensible guidance on best practice. It covers the core functional areas of management, from strategy and finance to sales and marketing; explores emerging issues from data analytics to corporate social responsibility, and is full of useful features...
Sport is both a complex international business and a mass participatory practice run by volunteers. Now in a fully revised and expanded second edit...
Sport is both a complex international business and a mass participatory practice run by volunteers. Now in a fully revised and expanded second edition, this comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of sport management helps explain the commercial environment that shapes sport at all levels, from elite to local, and gives clear and sensible guidance on best practice. It covers the core functional areas of management, from strategy and finance to sales and marketing; explores emerging issues from data analytics to corporate social responsibility, and is full of useful features...
Sport is both a complex international business and a mass participatory practice run by volunteers. Now in a fully revised and expanded second edit...