Peter Gabriel Bergmann started his work on general relativity in 1936 when he moved from Prague to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Bergmann collaborated with Einstein in an attempt to provide a geometrical unified field theory of gravitation and electromagnetism. Within this program they wrote two articles together: A. Einstein and P. G. Bergmann, Ann. Math. 39, 685 (1938); and A. Einstein, V. Bargmann and P. G. Bergmann, Th. von Karman Anniversary Volume 212 (1941). The search for such a theory was intense in the ten years following the birth of general relativity. In recent...
Peter Gabriel Bergmann started his work on general relativity in 1936 when he moved from Prague to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Berg...
It has been widely recognized that the "new physics" results from a high energy collider are related to the detector capabilities, and that future detec- tors must solve the problems presented by the new environment. Vertex detectors, in particular, will have to sustain enormous rates, have a great resistance to radiation damage, while retaining good spatial accuracy. Promising technologies are emerging, and gaseous detectors are improving: this workshop was intended as a point of reference towards future detectors, with particular emphasis on experimental results achieved so far. We wish to...
It has been widely recognized that the "new physics" results from a high energy collider are related to the detector capabilities, and that future det...
The present volume is based on the proceedings of the 12th Workshop of the INFN ELOISATRON Project, held at the "Ettore Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture (EMCSC), Erice (frapani), Sicily, Italy, in the period September 15-20, 1990. The proceedings deal with the presentation of "New Technologies for Supercolliders." Three new energy frontiers (16,40 and 200 TeV) are now opened up for the future of Subnuclear Physics. Basic problems above the Fermi-energy are crowding up: but no one knows the energy levels needed for their solution. This is why the technology for experiments with the new...
The present volume is based on the proceedings of the 12th Workshop of the INFN ELOISATRON Project, held at the "Ettore Majorana" Centre for Scientifi...
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERIES The current expansion of both public and scientific interest in environ mental issues has not been accompanied by a commensurate production of adequate books, and those which are available are widely variable in approach and depth. The Environmental Management Series has been established with a view to co-ordinating a series of volumes dealing with each topic within the field in some depth. It is hoped that this Series will provide a uniform and quality coverage and that, over a period of years, it will build up to form a library of reference books covering...
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERIES The current expansion of both public and scientific interest in environ mental issues has not been accompanied by a co...
During August 1980 a group of 85 physicists from 57 laboratories in 21 countries met in Erice for the 18th Course of the International School of Subnuclear Physics. The countries represented were Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Colombia, Czechoslovakia, the Federal Republic of Germany, France, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Yugoslavia. The School was sponsored by the Italian Ministry of Public Education (MFI), the Italian Ministry of Scientific and Technological Research...
During August 1980 a group of 85 physicists from 57 laboratories in 21 countries met in Erice for the 18th Course of the International School of Subnu...
In this book the lectures of the first course of the International School of Cardiology at Ettore Majorana are presented. It is difficult to reflect in a publication of this kind the atmosphere and spirit of this postgraduate course. Moreover, the beautiful scenery of Erice and its surroundings, celebrated by ancient Greek poets, can never be described by the editors of this book. The purpo e of this course was to deepen our knowledge accumulated todate on the subjects of non-invasive cardio- circulatory assessment and the analysis of the comprehensive approach to cardiac rehabilitation. The...
In this book the lectures of the first course of the International School of Cardiology at Ettore Majorana are presented. It is difficult to reflect i...
Neutrino '80 held at the Ettore Majorana Center for Scientific Culture in Erice, was the tenth of a series of International Confer- ences on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics. It also marked the fiftieth anniversary of the first mention, by Wolfgang Pauli, of a neutral particle emitted in beta decay. The conference occurred at a very propitious time in neutrino physics: the possibility of a non-zero neutrino mass and of neutrino oscillations has obvious implications of great importance in neutrino astrophysics and cosmology, as well as in the grand unified theories. In order to encourage...
Neutrino '80 held at the Ettore Majorana Center for Scientific Culture in Erice, was the tenth of a series of International Confer- ences on Neutrino ...
This book contains aseries of review papers related to the lectures given at the Third Course on Bioelectrochemistry held at Erice in November 1988, in the framework of the International School of Biophysics. The topics covered by this course, "Charge Separation Across Biomembranes, " deal with the electrochemical aspects of some basic phenomena in biological systems, such as transport of ions, ATP synthesis, formation and maintenance of ionic and protonic gradients. In the first part of the course some preliminary lectures introduce the students to the most basic phenomena and technical...
This book contains aseries of review papers related to the lectures given at the Third Course on Bioelectrochemistry held at Erice in November 1988, i...
This volume contains the Proceedings of the Special Seminar on: FRAGTALS held from October 9-15, 1988 at the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice (Trapani), Italy. The concepts of self-similarity and scale invariance have arisen independently in several areas. One is the study of critical properites of phase transitions; another is fractal geometry, which involves the concept of (non-integer) fractal dimension. These two areas have now come together, and their methods have extended to various fields of physics. The purpose of this Seminar was to provide an overview of the...
This volume contains the Proceedings of the Special Seminar on: FRAGTALS held from October 9-15, 1988 at the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Cul...
This Workshop was organized to bring once more tagether the scientists of the rather heterogeneaus field of exotic atoms. At present the main topic of the field seems to be the study of the atomic cascade. There are some who study it intentionally -Iet us call them cascadeurs -and others who think they investigate other features of the exotic atoms (like Coulomb capture, particle transfer, muon catalyzed fusion, chemical effects, fundamental properties, etc.) -users-while in fact they study some special consequences of the same atomic cascade. We decided to get cascadeurs and users discuss...
This Workshop was organized to bring once more tagether the scientists of the rather heterogeneaus field of exotic atoms. At present the main topic of...