Proceedings of the International School of Applied Geophysics on title] held March 1987, Erice, Italy. Presents updated seismic techniques for the exploration of the shallower structure of the Earth as well as for the understanding of the dynamic processes taking place in the crust and upper mantle. Also the theoretical background leading to techn
Proceedings of the International School of Applied Geophysics on title] held March 1987, Erice, Italy. Presents updated seismic techniques for the ex...
This book presents an account of the course "Spectroscopy of Solid-State Laser-Type Materials" held in Erice, Italy, from June 16 to 30, 1985. This meeting was organized by the International School of Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy of the "Ettore Majorana" Centre for Scientific Culture. The objective of the course was to present and examine the recent advances in spectroscopy and theoretical modelling relevant to the interpretation of luminescence and laser phenomena in several classes of solid-state materials. The available solid-state matrices (e.g. halides, oxides, glasses,...
This book presents an account of the course "Spectroscopy of Solid-State Laser-Type Materials" held in Erice, Italy, from June 16 to 30, 1985. This me...
To the classical driving forces of migration such as poverty, oppression and war, yet another is being added: globalization. With the increasing economic interdependence between countries migration has become one of the important links. Many less developed countries (LDCs) accept migration of their workers to developed countries (DCs) because it reduces the pressure on unemployment, and remittances increase the capital inflow to the country. On the other hand, some of the DCs see migration as a threat to their employment and system of social security. Participants of the Second Annual...
To the classical driving forces of migration such as poverty, oppression and war, yet another is being added: globalization. With the increasing econo...
The Workshop on Physics at LEAR with Low Energy Cooled Anti- protons was held in Erice, May 9 - 16, 1982, at the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture, in the framework of the International School of Physics of Exotic Atoms. The Workshop was organized by a committee composed of R. Armenteros, D. Bugg, P. Dalpiaz, U. Gastaldi, K. Kilian, R. Klapisch, P. Lefevre, D. M6hl, S. Polikanov, B. Povh and J.M. Richard. It was attended by 101 physicists from 44 insti- tutions and 14 countries, representing one third of the LEAR users. Thjs Workshop was the first general meeting of the LEAR...
The Workshop on Physics at LEAR with Low Energy Cooled Anti- protons was held in Erice, May 9 - 16, 1982, at the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific...
This volume contains the edited texts of the lect. nres presented at the International School of Mathematics devoted to Nonsmonth Optimization, held from . June 20 to July I, 1988. The site for the meeting was the "Ettore Iajorana" Centre for Sci- entific Culture in Erice, Sicily. In the tradition of these meetings the main purpose was to give the state-of-the-art of an important and growing field of mathematics, and to stimulate interactions between finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional op- timization. The School was attended by approximately 80 people from 23 countries; in particular...
This volume contains the edited texts of the lect. nres presented at the International School of Mathematics devoted to Nonsmonth Optimization, held f...
The current state of the art of various aspects of micro emulsion systems is reflected in this volume. Major topics discussed include: general background on solubilized systems, phase diagrams and phase equi- libria, bicontinuous microemulsions, Winsor's phases, theories and models of complex self association structures, cry tical behaviour, phase tran- sitions in lyotropic liquid crystals. I hope that this book will serve its intended objective of reflecting our current understanding of microemulsions both in theory and practice, and that it will be useful to researchers, both novices as...
The current state of the art of various aspects of micro emulsion systems is reflected in this volume. Major topics discussed include: general backgro...