This Workshop was organized to bring once more tagether the scientists of the rather heterogeneaus field of exotic atoms. At present the main topic of the field seems to be the study of the atomic cascade. There are some who study it intentionally -Iet us call them cascadeurs -and others who think they investigate other features of the exotic atoms (like Coulomb capture, particle transfer, muon catalyzed fusion, chemical effects, fundamental properties, etc.) -users-while in fact they study some special consequences of the same atomic cascade. We decided to get cascadeurs and users discuss...
This Workshop was organized to bring once more tagether the scientists of the rather heterogeneaus field of exotic atoms. At present the main topic of...
This Workshop was organized to bring once more tagether the scientists of the rather heterogeneaus field of exotic atoms. At present the main topic of the field seems to be the study of the atomic cascade. There are some who study it intentionally -Iet us call them cascadeurs -and others who think they investigate other features of the exotic atoms (like Coulomb capture, particle transfer, muon catalyzed fusion, chemical effects, fundamental properties, etc.) -users-while in fact they study some special consequences of the same atomic cascade. We decided to get cascadeurs and users discuss...
This Workshop was organized to bring once more tagether the scientists of the rather heterogeneaus field of exotic atoms. At present the main topic of...