Much of the early work on poverty was highly quantitative: ... It became increasingly clear, however, that while numbers are essential for policy and monitoring purposes, it is also important to understand people's perception of poverty and their mechanisms for coping with poverty and other situations of extreme economic and social stress. Researchers have recognized over the past few years that quantitative analysis of the incidence and trends in poverty, while essential for national economic development planning, must be complemented by qualitative methods that help planners and managers...
Much of the early work on poverty was highly quantitative: ... It became increasingly clear, however, that while numbers are essential for policy and ...
Early in 2000, Ecuador, confronted with a serious economic and governance crises, adopted the U.S. dollar as its national currency. The economic situation was dire with high inflation, government intervention in the banking system including freezing of deposits to prevent further flight from the country, and large fiscal deficits. Politically, then President Mahaud was being challenged by a congressional lack of support for measures to stabilize the economic situation, a radicalized indigenous movement, and a restive armed forces. In this environment, and as a policy of last resort, the...
Early in 2000, Ecuador, confronted with a serious economic and governance crises, adopted the U.S. dollar as its national currency. The economic situa...
Printed on Demand. Limited stock is held for this title. If you would like to order 30 copies or more please contact The purpose of this guide is to facilitate the ratification or acceptance of the 1993 FAO Compliance Agreement and the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement. It presents an outline of some of the most important provisions contained in the two agreements. The book also includes a 'tool kit' of the various approaches used by some countries that have already enacted national legislation to meet the obligations and objectives set forth in these agreements.
Printed on Demand. Limited stock is held for this title. If you would like to order 30 copies or more please contact The purpose o...
In Africa, most especially Sub-Saharan Africa, the World Bank's mission, to fight poverty, is strongly linked with environmental protection and better management of renewable natural resources. In both rural and urban areas, the poor of Africa are impacted by the loss of natural resources and environmental services. They are also at the highest risk from natural disasters--most particularly floods and drought. This environmental strategy report identifies the current thinking of the Africa region within the World Bank Group. It helps detail the World Bank's commitment to assist African...
In Africa, most especially Sub-Saharan Africa, the World Bank's mission, to fight poverty, is strongly linked with environmental protection and better...
While each country's judiciary is unique in its individual needs, capabilities and contexts, the lessons learned from Singapore's success can help guide judicial reform initiatives regionally as well as globally. No one would suggest that Singapore's strategy is a magic formula thatif followed can erase the inefficiencies of all judiciaries. But it would be wise to examine the strategies used and lessons learned from Singapore's experience as a potential guide toward successful and sustainable judicial reform.
While each country's judiciary is unique in its individual needs, capabilities and contexts, the lessons learned from Singapore's success can help gui...
There are approximately one billion adult illiterates in the world. Adult literacy programs in developing countries are often ineffectual and rather limited outcomes. To improve outcomes, much emphasis has been given to empowering nongovernmental organizations, increasing learner motivation, and reinforcing social benefits. This book summarizes the pertinent cognitive and neuropsychological research using layman terms and attempts to apply it to the acquisition of adult literacy. It presents issues and ideas on designing adult literacy programs that support human memory functions as...
There are approximately one billion adult illiterates in the world. Adult literacy programs in developing countries are often ineffectual and rather l...
This book, arising from over twenty years experience of working with the world's major faiths, draws extensively upon joint World Bank and ARC (Alliance of Religion and Conservation)/WWF (World Wildlife Fund for Nature) projects world wide. It shows, through stories, land management, myths, investment policies, legends, advocacy and celebration, the role the major faiths have, do and can play in making the world a better place. The major faiths are the oldest institutions in the world and have survived essentially because they are constantly evolving and changing. There is much to be learnt...
This book, arising from over twenty years experience of working with the world's major faiths, draws extensively upon joint World Bank and ARC (Allian...
Ante la explosion demografica de las ciudades de los paises en desarrollo, el control de la gestion urbana se ha vuelto aun mas dificil debido a que las colectividades locales, a menudo no pudieron dotarse de los medios necesarios para hacer frente al crecimiento de la poblacion. En este contexto, los sistemas de identificacion de las vias y las construcciones no han seguido el ritmo de la urbanizacion, y en muchos paises la mayoria de calles no tienen ni nombre ni direccion, principalmente en los barrios mas pobres, produciendose asi una situacion preocupante para el funcionamiento de los...
Ante la explosion demografica de las ciudades de los paises en desarrollo, el control de la gestion urbana se ha vuelto aun mas dificil debido a que l...
This book contains a wealth of information and analysis relating to mineral royalties. Primary information includes royalty legislation from over forty nations. Analysis is comprehensive and addresses issues of importance to diverse stakeholders including government policymakers, tax administrators, society, local communities and mining companies. Extensive footnotes and citations provide a valuable resource for researchers.
This book contains a wealth of information and analysis relating to mineral royalties. Primary information includes royalty legislation from over fort...