Much of the early work on poverty was highly quantitative: ... It became increasingly clear, however, that while numbers are essential for policy and monitoring purposes, it is also important to understand people's perception of poverty and their mechanisms for coping with poverty and other situations of extreme economic and social stress. Researchers have recognized over the past few years that quantitative analysis of the incidence and trends in poverty, while essential for national economic development planning, must be complemented by qualitative methods that help planners and managers...
Much of the early work on poverty was highly quantitative: ... It became increasingly clear, however, that while numbers are essential for policy and ...
The instant New York Times bestseller from acclaimed Sports Illustrated writer Michael Bamberger--a warm, nostalgic, intimately reported account of golf's greatest generation, and "maybe the best golf book I've ever read" (Bill Reynolds, The Providence Journal).
With "exceptional insight into some of America's greatest players over the last half-century" (The Philadelphia Inquirer), Men in Green is to golf what Roger Kahn's The Boys of Summer was to baseball: a big-hearted account of the sport's greats, from the household names to the private...
The instant New York Times bestseller from acclaimed Sports Illustrated writer Michael Bamberger--a warm, nostalgic, intimately reported...