In a remote corner of central Africa, Carol Simmons is mistaken for a mysterious Mrs. Simon, and unknowingly caught up in a ruthless struggle over a Forest Reserve and its Pygmy Chimpanzees. Unlike the real Mrs. Simon, will she get out alive?
In a remote corner of central Africa, Carol Simmons is mistaken for a mysterious Mrs. Simon, and unknowingly caught up in a ruthless struggle over a F...
In Africa, most especially Sub-Saharan Africa, the World Bank's mission, to fight poverty, is strongly linked with environmental protection and better management of renewable natural resources. In both rural and urban areas, the poor of Africa are impacted by the loss of natural resources and environmental services. They are also at the highest risk from natural disasters--most particularly floods and drought. This environmental strategy report identifies the current thinking of the Africa region within the World Bank Group. It helps detail the World Bank's commitment to assist African...
In Africa, most especially Sub-Saharan Africa, the World Bank's mission, to fight poverty, is strongly linked with environmental protection and better...