Online Gaming and Playful Organization explores the cultural impact of gaming on organizations. While gaming is typically a form of entertainment, this book argues that gaming communities can function as a useful analogue for work organizations because both are comprised of diverse members who must communicate and collaborate to solve complex problems.
By examining the impact of gaming beyond its own context, this book argues that one can apply numerous lessons from the virtual world of online games to the real world of businesses, schools, and other professional communities. Most...
Online Gaming and Playful Organization explores the cultural impact of gaming on organizations. While gaming is typically a form of entertainment, ...
Aesthetics and Design for Game-based Learning provides learning designers with insight into how the different elements that comprise game aesthetics can inform the design of game-based learning. Regardless of the cognitive complexities involved, games are essentially entertainment media, and aesthetics play a large role in how they are experienced. Yet too often the role of aesthetics in the research about game-based learning has been relegated to a surface discussion of graphics or neglected altogether.
Aesthetics and Design for Game-based Learning begins by...
Aesthetics and Design for Game-based Learning provides learning designers with insight into how the different elements that comprise game ...
Aesthetics and Design for Game-based Learning provides learning designers with insight into how the different elements that comprise game aesthetics can inform the design of game-based learning. Regardless of the cognitive complexities involved, games are essentially entertainment media, and aesthetics play a large role in how they are experienced. Yet too often the role of aesthetics in the research about game-based learning has been relegated to a surface discussion of graphics or neglected altogether.
Aesthetics and Design for Game-based Learning begins by...
Aesthetics and Design for Game-based Learning provides learning designers with insight into how the different elements that comprise game ...
Serious Play is a comprehensive account of the possibilities and challenges of teaching and learning with digital games in primary and secondary schools. Based on an original research project, the book explores digital games capacity to engage and challenge, present complex representations and experiences, foster collaborative and deep learning, and enable curricula that connect with young people today. These exciting approaches illuminate the role of context in gameplay as well as the links between digital culture, gameplay, and identity in learners lives, and are applicable to...
Serious Play is a comprehensive account of the possibilities and challenges of teaching and learning with digital games in primary and sec...
Serious Play is a comprehensive account of the possibilities and challenges of teaching and learning with digital games in primary and secondary schools. Based on an original research project, the book explores digital games capacity to engage and challenge, present complex representations and experiences, foster collaborative and deep learning, and enable curricula that connect with young people today. These exciting approaches illuminate the role of context in gameplay as well as the links between digital culture, gameplay, and identity in learners lives, and are applicable to...
Serious Play is a comprehensive account of the possibilities and challenges of teaching and learning with digital games in primary and sec...