Poststructuralism--as a name for a mode of thinking, a style of philosophizing, a kind of writing--has exercised a profound influence upon contemporary Western thought and the institution of the university. As a French and predominantly Parisian affair, poststructuralism is inseparable from the intellectual milieu of postwar France, a world dominated by Alexandre KojEve's and Jean Hyppolite's interpretations of Hegel, Jacques Lacan's reading of Freud, Gaston Bachelard's epistemology, George Canguilhem's studies of science, and Jean-Paul Sartre's existentialism. It is also inseparable from...
Poststructuralism--as a name for a mode of thinking, a style of philosophizing, a kind of writing--has exercised a profound influence upon contempo...
This work explores the philosophical positions of five postmodern thinkers--Lyotard, Rorty, Schrag, Foucault, and Derrida--to show how their critiques imply that scholars are unduly limited by the belief that inquiry is fundamentally about gaining knowledge of phenomena that are assumed to exist prior to and independent of inquiry, and to persist essentially unchanged by inquiry. The author argues that there are good reasons why this constraint is both unnecessary and undesirable, and he resituates the disciplines within a more flexible foundation that would expand what counts as...
This work explores the philosophical positions of five postmodern thinkers--Lyotard, Rorty, Schrag, Foucault, and Derrida--to show how their critiq...
Multiracial students have unique needs that are not being met in schools, because teachers and school personnel assume that those needs are the same as those of monoracial minority children. Children of multiple races are, in fact, invisible in the schools. On school and federal forms, they are racially categorized based on one race only, and such categorizations are not limited to documents. Schools and teachers may unknowingly transmit monoracial identity messages to multiracial students, which is problematic for some students who may want to identify with more than one race. Our racial...
Multiracial students have unique needs that are not being met in schools, because teachers and school personnel assume that those needs are the sam...
This edited collection looks at education through the lens of psychoanalysis and vice versa. Each contribution asks, in effect, what does it mean to be a pedagogue and an educational theorist after Freud? The authors include clinical practitioners (Rivka Eifermann, M. Robert Gardner, Stephen Appel) as well as academics from philosophy (Trevor Pateman, John Wilson, Yael Shalem, David Bensusan), sociology (Deborah Britzman), curriculum studies (William Pinar, Madeleine Grumet), and social and literary theory (Valerie Walkerdine, Jane Gallop, James Donald). The authors do not share any...
This edited collection looks at education through the lens of psychoanalysis and vice versa. Each contribution asks, in effect, what does it mean t...
College students and graduates have fond memories of campus events such as commencement, founder's days, convocations, and baccalaureate. These events, defined as rites of passage, secular ceremonies, or cultural performances, create a special feel to a campus remembered for years to come. Borrowing from interpretive anthropology, the author spotlights the following ideas: culture is revealed and forms of life are expressed through the actions and words of community members; human communities are dynamic, complex, and ever-changing environments revealed though analysis of cultural events;...
College students and graduates have fond memories of campus events such as commencement, founder's days, convocations, and baccalaureate. These eve...
The 'postmodern condition, ' in which instrumentalism usurps all other considerations, has produced a kind of intellectual paralysis in the world of education. It is difficult to take issue with such shibboleths of our time as 'standards', 'effectiveness' or 'quality', or the transmission of a nation's 'heritage', yet many people sense that important values are being lost as the education systems of the developed world increasingly devote themselves to managerialism and 'performativity', the quest for efficiency and effectiveness that can be quantified.
This book shows how a sustained...
The 'postmodern condition, ' in which instrumentalism usurps all other considerations, has produced a kind of intellectual paralysis in the world o...
This work lucidates bell hooks' social and educational theory, with emphasis on her 1994 book, "Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom." Florence deals with the issues of marginality and cultural alienation that are so prevalent among certain groups within the American society and presents strategies to help develop critical consciousness and affirmation of formerly subordinated cultural traits and characteristics. Her study resonates with current themes raised by critical, feminist and multicultural scholars showing how marginalized groups may be guilty of...
This work lucidates bell hooks' social and educational theory, with emphasis on her 1994 book, "Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice o...
The author adopts a holistic approach in exploring the ontological, epistemological, ethical, and pedagogical dimensions of Paulo Freire's thought. The book discusses Freire's approach to adult literacy education and investigates the political, dialogical, and critical aspects to the multidimensional word in Freirean theory.
The author outlines and assesses a number of key critiques of Freire's modernism, concentrating in particular on questions pertaining to the problem of pedagogical intervention. He responds at some length to C.A. Bowers, one of Freire's most important and persistent...
The author adopts a holistic approach in exploring the ontological, epistemological, ethical, and pedagogical dimensions of Paulo Freire's thought....
Africa has internal cultural resources that have positively influenced its development. "Community in Motion" explores the relationship between theatre and Freirian pedagogy. It underscores the urgency of refocusing development strategies on human rather than technical resources by showing how culture has traditionally played an important role in African development, and demonstrates the similarities between traditional African cultural paradigms and Freirian pedagogy.
The author describes selected significant Theatre for Development programs in diverse parts of Africa and determines...
Africa has internal cultural resources that have positively influenced its development. "Community in Motion" explores the relationship between the...
The Spanish conquerors who explored the southern cone of South America reported back to Europe that the region was empty of human inhabitants. In truth, however, the large area supported a thriving, albeit low-density, population of foragers. Those foragers--the Mapuche, Tehuelche, Rankuelche, and Fueguian peoples--are the subject of this volume, which presents archaeological and ethnographic studies of their past.
The southern cone of South America was one of the last regions to be colonized on earth. When the Spanish Royal Crown experienced difficulties expanding its colonial...
The Spanish conquerors who explored the southern cone of South America reported back to Europe that the region was empty of human inhabitants. In t...