Critical pedagogy refers to the means and methods of testing and attempting to change the structures of schools that allow inequities. It is a cultural-political tool that takes seriously the notion of human differences, particularly those related to race, class, and gender. Critical pedagogy seeks to release the oppressed and unite people in a shared language of critique, struggle, and hope, to end various forms of human suffering. In this revised edition, Kanpol takes the pre- and in-service educators along some initial steps to becoming critical pedagogists. As before, university...
Critical pedagogy refers to the means and methods of testing and attempting to change the structures of schools that allow inequities. It is a cult...
Although Foucault departs from Marxism, his own approach constitutes a form of consistent materialism which has theoretical implications for the analysis of social and educational discursive systems. In seeking to demonstrate a correct reading of Foucault, linguistic readings of his work, such as those of Christopher Norris (1993), which represent him as part of the linguistic turn in French philosophy, where language (or representation) henceforth defines the limits of thought, will be dispelled in the process of being corrected. Rather, Foucault will be represented, as Habermas (1987)...
Although Foucault departs from Marxism, his own approach constitutes a form of consistent materialism which has theoretical implications for the an...
Armitage taught for one year in a British grammar school from 1971 to 1972 when the school amalgamated with a secondary modern school to form a comprehensive school. He followed the political practices and episodes of the amalgamation in relation to their political and educational significance.
The amalgamation seemed to result in an ineffective and underperforming school and he tried to introduce practical and constructive changes. His narrative describes his political struggle to reform the school in the face of an anti-democratic and authoritarian culture. The causes of failure are...
Armitage taught for one year in a British grammar school from 1971 to 1972 when the school amalgamated with a secondary modern school to form a com...
"Revolutionary Social Transformation" focuses on the visions and analysis culled from the writings of Karl Marx, Paulo Freire, and Antonio Gramsci. Marx's theory of critical praxis and his dialectical conceptualization of capitalism are discussed together with Freire's and Gramsci's ideas. The author suggests that these are necessary ingredients for authentic social transformation as well as a basis for rekindling hope for a veritable democratic future.
The author employs both a language of critique and a language of possibility to argue that the process of social transformation must be...
"Revolutionary Social Transformation" focuses on the visions and analysis culled from the writings of Karl Marx, Paulo Freire, and Antonio Gramsci....
How can education be restructured to align more closely with the complex ways in which students actually create meaning and learn? This collection of essays asserts that this question must be the nexus of educational restructuring.
How can education be restructured to align more closely with the complex ways in which students actually create meaning and learn? This collection of ...