Winner of the 2017 CCCC Advancement of Knowledge Award. In an age of global anxiety and suspicion, South Asian immigrants juggle multiple cultural and literate traditions in Mid-South America. In this study Iswari P. Pandey looks deeply into this community to track the migration of literacies, showing how different meaning-making practices are adapted and reconfigured for cross-language relations and cross-cultural understanding at sites as varied as a Hindu school, a Hindu women's reading group, Muslim men's and women's discussion groups formed soon after 9/11, and cross-cultural...
Winner of the 2017 CCCC Advancement of Knowledge Award. In an age of global anxiety and suspicion, South Asian immigrants juggle multiple ...
While digital technologies have presented new opportunities for teaching listening in relation to composing, they also have resulted in a limited understanding of how sound works. Steph Ceraso offers an approach to sonic pedagogy through the concept of multimodal listening - a practice that involves developing an awareness of how sound shapes and is shaped by different contexts and experiences.
While digital technologies have presented new opportunities for teaching listening in relation to composing, they also have resulted in a limited unde...
Offers a study of rhetorical action in the public sphere. Such action is a responsive and practical art. Dr. Long pursues the claim that rhetorical education can make wise rhetorical action both teachable and open to reflection and revision.
Offers a study of rhetorical action in the public sphere. Such action is a responsive and practical art. Dr. Long pursues the claim that rhetorical ed...
Presents a history of Prince Edward County, Virginia, fighting for and against the implementation of Brown v. Board of Education and the role of literacy in that fight.
Presents a history of Prince Edward County, Virginia, fighting for and against the implementation of Brown v. Board of Education and the role of liter...
An edited volume on unruly, activist rhetorics that aims to expand, complicate, and enrich rhetoric and composition's uptake of public rhetorics through focused attention on the body as a powerful rhetorical tool whose importance may be enhanced but is not eclipsed by new media forms and forums for public discourse and dissent.
An edited volume on unruly, activist rhetorics that aims to expand, complicate, and enrich rhetoric and composition's uptake of public rhetorics throu...
Writing begins with unconscious feelings of something that insistently demands to be responded to, acted upon, or elaborated into a new entity. Writers make things that matter—treaties, new species, software, and letters to the editor—as they interact with other humans of all kinds. As they write, they also continually remake themselves. In The Animal Who Writes, Cooper considers writing as a social practice and as an embodied behavior that is particularly important to human animals. The author argues that writing is an act of composing enmeshed in nature-cultures and is homologous with...
Writing begins with unconscious feelings of something that insistently demands to be responded to, acted upon, or elaborated into a new entity. Writer...
In music, crossover means that a song has moved beyond its original genre and audience into the general social consciousness. Rhetorical Crossover uses the same concept to theorize how the black rhetorical presence has moved in mainstream spaces in an era where African Americans were becoming more visible in white culture. Cedric Burrows argues that when black rhetoric moves into the dominant culture, white audiences appear welcoming to African Americans as long as they present an acceptable form of blackness for white tastes. The predominant culture has always constructed coded narratives on...
In music, crossover means that a song has moved beyond its original genre and audience into the general social consciousness. Rhetorical Crossover use...
David Bartholomae has been a prominent figure in the field of composition and rhetoric for almost five decades. Throughout his career, his focus has always been on teaching, writing, and the teaching of writing. These essays, written over the past dozen years, are arranged and unified by a thread that connects some of the books and ideas, people and places, students and courses that have shaped and sustained his work as a teacher of writing. The essays trace his formation as a teacher, writer, and scholar, and open doors to paths of study that speak directly to issues related to global...
David Bartholomae has been a prominent figure in the field of composition and rhetoric for almost five decades. Throughout his career, his focus has a...
Teaching Black: The Craft of Teaching Black Life and Literature presents the experiences and voices of Black creative writers who are also teachers. The authors presented here write and teach across a variety of genres and at numerous intersections, including writers of poetry, fiction, experimental fiction, playwriting, and also from creative writers who are engaged in literary studies and criticism. Contributors from this book provide practical advice, engage with historical and theoretical questions about teaching in classrooms, workshops, and community settings. Teaching Black is for...
Teaching Black: The Craft of Teaching Black Life and Literature presents the experiences and voices of Black creative writers who are also teachers. T...