Cooperative Control Design: A Systematic, Passivity-Based Approach discusses multi-agent coordination problems, including formation control, attitude coordination, and synchronization. The goal of the book is to introduce passivity as a design tool for multi-agent systems, to provide exemplary work using this tool, and to illustrate its advantages in designing robust cooperative control algorithms. The discussion begins with an introduction to passivity and demonstrates how passivity can be used as a design tool for motion coordination. Followed by the case of adaptive redesigns for reference...
Cooperative Control Design: A Systematic, Passivity-Based Approach discusses multi-agent coordination problems, including formation control, attitude ...
Stabilization of Navier-Stokes Flows presents recent notable progress in the mathematical theory of stabilization of Newtonian fluid flows. Finite-dimensional feedback controllers are used to stabilize exponentially the equilibrium solutions of Navier-Stokes equations, reducing or eliminating turbulence. Stochastic stabilization and robustness of stabilizable feedback are also discussed. The analysis developed here provides a rigorous pattern for the design of efficient stabilizable feedback controllers to meet the needs of practical problems and the conceptual controllers actually detailed...
Stabilization of Navier-Stokes Flows presents recent notable progress in the mathematical theory of stabilization of Newtonian fluid flows. Finite-dim...
Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks presents a systematic new approach to the investigation of Boolean control networks. The fundamental tool in this approach is a novel matrix product called the semi-tensor product (STP). Using the STP, a logical function can be expressed as a conventional discrete-time linear system. In the light of this linear expression, certain major issues concerning Boolean network topology - fixed points, cycles, transient times and basins of attractors - can be easily revealed by a set of formulae. This framework renders the state-space approach to dynamic...
Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks presents a systematic new approach to the investigation of Boolean control networks. The fundamental tool in ...
Ad ap tive Contro l provid es tec hniques for aut omatic adjustment in real t ime of cont roller parameter s in order to achieve or to maintain a desired level for the performance of cont rol systems when the dyn amic param et ers of t he process are unknown and/or var y in time. These techniques have as a main feature t he abilit y to ext ract significant information from real dat a in ord er to tune the cont roller and they feature a me chanism for adjust ing parameter s (of a plant model or of a cont roller). While the history of Adaptive Control is lon g, significant progr ess in under...
Ad ap tive Contro l provid es tec hniques for aut omatic adjustment in real t ime of cont roller parameter s in order to achieve or to maintain a desi...
Control Theory for Linear Systems deals with the mathematical theory of feedback control of linear systems. It treats a wide range of control synthesis problems for linear state space systems with inputs and outputs. The book provides a treatment of these problems using state space methods, often with a geometric flavour. Its subject matter ranges from controllability and observability, stabilization, disturbance decoupling, and tracking and regulation, to linear quadratic regulation, H2 and H-infinity control, and robust stabilization. Each chapter of the book contains a series of...
Control Theory for Linear Systems deals with the mathematical theory of feedback control of linear systems. It treats a wide range of control s...
This book deals with the application of modern control theory to some important underactuated mechanical systems, from the inverted pendulum to the helicopter model. It will help readers gain experience in the modelling of mechanical systems and familiarize with new control methods for non-linear systems.
This book deals with the application of modern control theory to some important underactuated mechanical systems, from the inverted pendulum to the...
Moving on from earlier stochastic and robust control paradigms, this book introduces the reader to the fundamentals of probabilistic methods in the analysis and design of uncertain systems. It significantly reduces the computational cost of high-quality control and the complexity of the algorithms involved.
Moving on from earlier stochastic and robust control paradigms, this book introduces the reader to the fundamentals of probabilistic methods in the...
This book introduces the reader to a novel method of mathematical description, analysis and design of digital control systems, which makes it possible to take into account, in the most complete form, specific features of interaction between continuous-time and discrete time processes.
This book introduces the reader to a novel method of mathematical description, analysis and design of digital control systems, which makes it possi...
Recently, the subject of nonlinear control systems analysis has grown rapidly and this book provides a simple and self-contained presentation of their stability and feedback stabilization which enables the reader to learn and understand major techniques used in mathematical control theory. In particular: the important techniques of proving global stability properties are presented closely linked with corresponding methods of nonlinear feedback stabilization; a general framework of methods for proving stability is given, thus allowing the study of a wide class of nonlinear systems, including...
Recently, the subject of nonlinear control systems analysis has grown rapidly and this book provides a simple and self-contained presentation of their...
Multi-agent systems have numerous civilian, homeland security, and military applications; however, for all these applications, communication bandwidth, sensing range, power constraints, and stealth requirements preclude centralized command and control. The alternative is distributed coordination, which is more promising in terms of scalability, robustness, and flexibility. Distributed Coordination of Multi-agent Networks introduces problems, models, and issues such as collective periodic motion coordination, collective tracking with a dynamic leader, and containment control with multiple...
Multi-agent systems have numerous civilian, homeland security, and military applications; however, for all these applications, communication bandwidth...