Since its publication in 1976, the original volume has been warmly received. We have decided to put out this updated paperback edition so that the book can be more accessible to students. This paperback edition is essentially the same as the original hardcover volume except for the addition of a new chapter (Chapter 7) which reviews the recent advances in pattern recognition and image processing. Because of the limitations of length, we can only report the highlights and point the readers to the literature. A few typographical errors in the original edition were corrected. We are grateful to...
Since its publication in 1976, the original volume has been warmly received. We have decided to put out this updated paperback edition so that the boo...
This monograph deals with curious and little-known acoustic systems of commun ication based on whistling that are in use at the present time in many parts of the world and have had, on the evidence available, even greater currency in the past. In spite of their wide distribution, they have not so far received the attention they might have been expected to attract: linguistically and in other ways they are most interesting. For it should be realized that they are much more than mere codes or conventional systems of signals; they function in exactly the same way as speech (in the sense we...
This monograph deals with curious and little-known acoustic systems of commun ication based on whistling that are in use at the present time in many p...
Information theory and cybernetics have developed along somewhat different lines in Europe and in the U. S. A. This book is to be seen as a contribution towards bridging the gap. Anyone who seeks to apply information theory in the fields of education and psychology very soon comes up against a central diffi culty: in the form in which it was developed by Shannon information theory excludes the semantic aspect. This problem is fundamental for in education, as in psychology, the semantic aspect is the very heart of the matter. Thus, while Attneave, Miller and Quastler, among others,...
Information theory and cybernetics have developed along somewhat different lines in Europe and in the U. S. A. This book is to be seen as a contributi...
During recent years auditory research has advanced quite rapidly in the area of experimental psychology as well as in that of physiology. Scientists working in both areas have in cornrnon the study of the process in HEARING, yet different scientific areas always tend to diverge. A SYMPOSIUM ON PSY CHOPHYSICAL MODELS AND PHYSIOLOGICAL FACTS IN HEARING was or ganized for the exchange of information and to stimulate dis cussion between research workers in psychoacoustics, neurophy siology, anatomy, morphology and hydromechanics. The basic aim of holding this syrnposium was to halt the divergence...
During recent years auditory research has advanced quite rapidly in the area of experimental psychology as well as in that of physiology. Scientists w...
This book contains among other things, developments of ideas suggested in my papers "Pseudo-units in phonetics" and "On linguistic terminology" read to the Congresses in Prague and Bucharest (both 1967) and in my book Linguistische Ein heiten im Rahmen der modernen Sprachwissenschaft (1966), which, in its turn, includes ideas contained in previous papers. It is my belief that units and relations between units are the basic linguistic facts to be described. Units must be defined in relation to other units, i.e. as elements of systems. Relations or systems contain as elements units having some...
This book contains among other things, developments of ideas suggested in my papers "Pseudo-units in phonetics" and "On linguistic terminology" read t...
During the past ten years a new area in speech processing, generally referred to as linear prediction, has evolved. As with all scientific research, results did not always get published in a logical order and terminology was not always con sistent. In mid-1974, we decided to begin an extra hours and weekends project of organizing the literature in linear prediction of speech and developing it into a unified presentation in terms of content and terminology. This effort was completed in November, 1975, with the contents presented herein. If there are two words which describe our goals in this...
During the past ten years a new area in speech processing, generally referred to as linear prediction, has evolved. As with all scientific research, r...
The many different mathematical techniques used to solve pattem recognition problems may be grouped into two general approaches: the decision-theoretic (or discriminant) approach and the syntactic (or structural) approach. In the decision-theoretic approach, aset of characteristic measurements, called features, are extracted from the pattems. Each pattem is represented by a feature vector, and the recognition of each pattem is usually made by partitioning the feature space. Applications of decision-theoretic approach indude character recognition, medical diagnosis, remote sensing, reliability...
The many different mathematical techniques used to solve pattem recognition problems may be grouped into two general approaches: the decision-theoreti...
The attempt to simulate dialogues in Natural Language by a machine requires extensive analyses of Natural Language's expression and content phenomena. Carefully deducted natural laws must be extracted. A division of all existing Natural Languages into carrier systems of a) agglutinated and b) isolated mor phological structures appears to be of principal significance. Thus morphology can be clearly separated from syntax. While morphology concerns structural phenomena, syntax refers to functional customs and rules of language expressions. Expression morphologies of usual language systems like...
The attempt to simulate dialogues in Natural Language by a machine requires extensive analyses of Natural Language's expression and content phenomena....
The purpose of the Symposium was to provide a meeting place for those working in the field of s.peech perception, whose main in terest is in the study of the perceptual processes in the deco ding of connected speech, hence the title Dynamic Aspects of Speech Perception. It was felt, after the meeting of the 8th ICA in London and the 2nd Speech Communication Seminar in Stockholm, 1974, that there should be an opportunity for an exchange of ideas on this topic with the emphasis on discussion and interpretation, rather than on the presentation of experimental results. The initiators set...
The purpose of the Symposium was to provide a meeting place for those working in the field of s.peech perception, whose main in terest is in the study...
The point of departure of this general survey of modern structural linguistics is the place of language in human relations. Linguistics will consequently be understood as a science of communication. My book is not intended as an elementary handbook. The readers are supposed to be in the first place advanced students of linguistics and phonetics and of neighbouring fields where a real awareness of linguistic methods and problems is essential (such as psychology, phoniatrics, speech therapy, language teaching, communication engineering). The book may, however, be of some value also for the...
The point of departure of this general survey of modern structural linguistics is the place of language in human relations. Linguistics will consequen...